Chapter 4 - Shadows of Defeat

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The previous day passed in a blur, leaving Gabriel barely able to keep his eyes open during supper. He had exchanged only a few words with anyone, still harboring anger towards Lovren. The grueling training had taken a toll on his body, leaving him in agonizing pain. Yet, despite the physical torment, Gabriel remained determined. He knew he had to return to the training yard.

As the sun cast its golden glow over the training yard, Gabriel stood among the first recruits to arrive, eager to prove his mettle. Ser Rodrick, the master-at-arms, regarded him with a stern look. "So, you came back."

With quiet determination, Gabriel said, "I will keep coming, no matter what you do to me." Ser Rodrick responded with a condescending half-smile. Does he get satisfaction from tormenting me. He cared little for the man's respect; his sole focus was to learn from the seasoned warrior.

"Fine," Ser Rodrick said. "I might as well teach you something. Yesterday, you learned the battlefield isn't fair. There's no love on these grounds, and it will never be fair to you. You must do everything to even the odds."

Gabriel struggled to understand Ser Rodrick's motives. I thought he was known for being fair, yesterday's training had been anything but. Gabriel nodded in acknowledgment; his attention fixed on the seasoned warrior.

"Today, boy, we begin your training. Before you can wield a sword with skill, you must first learn the basics," Ser Rodrick said.

Gabriel had made a promise to himself after his mother's visit. He decided he would learn the art of the sword with full intent, but he would never reveal his true potential. Let it earn him ridicule from his peers—they already despised him within these walls. He did not seek to impress the king with his warrior skills. Nor did he desire a life steeped in violence. Yet his mother's words echoed in his mind, urging him to learn to protect himself. And so, I will.

"Any soldier worth their salt will tell you, the first thing you need to learn is how to stand. Power will surge through your legs to your arms. When you wield the blade, you must fight with your whole body." Ser Rodrick voice cut through the morning air.

Gabriel studied Ser Rodrick wide-legged stance, one foot slightly ahead of the other. "Keep your feet shoulder-width apart," the master instructed. "Bend your knees slightly, keeping your weight centered. Do this, and you won't fall on that arse of yours."

Gabriel attempted to replicate the stance. His legs trembled as he arranged his feet and bent his knees. He felt unsteady, as if a strong gust of wind could topple him over. He could feel the strain on his legs and torso, the position feeling unnatural.

"Bend your knees more, boy, and bring your feet closer together," Ser Rodrick said roughly. Gabriel followed the instruction, but it still felt uncomfortable. Then the master quickly struck his thigh with a training sword, causing him to cry out in shock and stumble to the ground, falling straight on his arse.

"It's as if no one listens to me," grumbled Ser Rodrick. "Again."

Sand grains pressed against Gabriel's palm as he heaved himself upright, studying the master's posture and trying to emulate it. Without a word, the master signaled his corrections, his sword tapping less than gently against Gabriel. He nudged Gabriel's feet to align with his body and smacked his calves to coax them closer together. Gabriel was sure that by nightfall, his body would bear a tapestry of bruises. But as he finally bent his knees and straightened his back, Ser Rodrick retreated and nodded in approval, an air of self-satisfaction about him.

"Balance is crucial. Without it, your defenses will crumble, and your strikes will lack precision." Without warning, he lunged forward, delivering a forceful push to Gabriel's chest. Surprised, Gabriel stumbled backward, his feet tripping over each other until he landed on the sand with a resounding thud.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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