Officer Paul

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Trisha walked through the police station, looking for her father. She walked up to the desk, and smiled at the receptionist. "Hi. I'm Trisha Swan. Is my father in?" The receptionist shook his head and looked through a folder. "Says here, he's on an overnight case. He'll be in tomorrow." Trisha nodded and looked towards where she knew his office would be.

"Is it okay I walk back there? I have to pick up some papers?" She asked, running a hand through her long brown hair. The receptionist looked at her bored and slightly annoyed. "Hey, Jeff. I've got it. You're Trisha? Charlie told me you'd stop by." Trisha shook the tan hand that was reached toward her.

She looked up smiling as her eyes landed on the most handsome man she ever saw. "I'm Paul. I'm one of your father's deputies. Come." Trisha nodded and followed Paul. "Nice to meet you Paul. As you know I'm Trisha. I didn't know my father was on an overnight case." Trisha stated as Paul opened the door for her. She couldn't help but glance at him again, noticing his dark black hair and his prominent jaw line.

He gave her a smile, showing a row of white teeth. He ushered her in and flipped on the light switch. His desk sat in the middle, a folder sitting on top. "Ah, here we are." She said grabbing it. "You got it? And yes. Didn't you receive a call? When some officers do overnight cases, we notify the household or kin, just in case. Our receptionist should've...maybe he didn't. I'm sorry about that." Paul apologized, leading her out. "It's fine. It's good to know now. Well I better be heading on home." Trisha looked at the time, noticing it was late in the night. It got dark fast and the fact that she came in at 7:30 and it was now 7:35.

"It's kind of dark out. I can follow you on out if you like. Make sure you get in okay." He smiled down at her. Trisha smiled and then nodded. "I'd like that. Thank you." Paul walked her outside to the parking lot and she showed him her rusty truck and he raised a brow. He shrugged and opened her door for her. Holding out a hand, he helped her inside. He closed the door shut and jogged toward the cruiser got in starting it. He waited and as Trisha pulled out, so did he.

He nodded his head to a tune in his head. He whistled as they passed all of the houses, driving by nothing but trees. Trisha pulled into a driveway. Paul's eyes widened at the look of it. It was bigger than any house in Forks, a two story, and had a beautiful wrap around porch. It was a white and red home with gold lights outside. He pulled over to the side and cut the engine, stepping out into the cool night air. Trisha's door creaked as she hopped out, dropping a few pages from the folder.

Paul rushes forward grabbing the papers from off the ground and glanced down at them.

Restraining Order

Patrica Marie Swan vs. Jeffery Logan Smalls

Issue date: 06/27/18

Paul handed her the papers and she pursed her lips. "Would you like me to come inside? To check things out?" He asked. Trisha looked back at her home and then back at the dark street. "Yes please." She whispered. Paul nodded resting one hand on Trisha's lower back, and the other with his gun out. He used his super hearing for any heartbeats and found none. Trisha unlocked the door and Paul went inside first, checking the area. He waved Trisha inside and flipped on the lights by the door.

Trisha gasped at the writing on the wall. "Oh my..." She whispered, her face frowning. "Is that lipstick?" Paul asked going towards the wall. Trisha sat the papers on the table. She shrieked, making Paul turn swiftly his gun at the ready. Paul came forward and sniffed, his face disgusted. "You've got to be kidding me." On the kitchen floor, was a dead cat. Paul grabbed a few trash bags disposing of the animal. Trisha went upstairs, changing into a pair is shorts and a t-shirt, pulling her hair into a ponytail. She grabbed a bucket of cleaning supplies.

She came down the stairs to find Paul back inside, inspecting the downstairs living room. "It's clear down here. Would you like some help?" He asked motioning towards the wall. Trisha looked at it and then back at the bucket. "I couldn't. You've done enough already for me." Paul shook his head. "I insist. I couldn't leave you here by yourself, everything smells pretty fresh. I've already called this in and I'll be on patrol tonight." Trisha smiled and gawked as Paul started undressing. She unabashedly watched in awe as his chest was revealed to her. It was smooth and glorious. His tanned skin called out to her.

She blushed looking away as he removed his pants. "I saw these in the closet. I don't want to get these dirty." He answered closing a door. "No problem." Trisha squeaked out.

She started scrubbing down the wall, and Paul grabbed a sponge, wringing it out and started on the other side. They worked in silence, it taking them about an hour to get the lipstick off. Paul scrubbed the kitchen floor down and checked every room before grabbing his uniform. "I'll be right outside. I'm going to drive around back the way we came and park in a hidden area across the street from your house. If he'll be around, I'll be able to see him." He explained and Bell nodded showing him out. Paul turned towards her and handed her a Walkie-Talkie. "I'll be able to hear if anything goes on. Just press the button and I'll be here. Okay?" Trisha grabbed it and nodded. "Okay." She said, and waited until Paul got into the cruiser before closing the door. She locked up the bottom lock before heading upstairs.

She hopped in the shower and washed away the sweat from her body. She sighed as the water relaxes her tense muscles. After getting out and drying off, she walked to her room, sliding on a pair of underwear and bra before climbing into bed. She put the walkie-talkie beside her bed and climbed under the covers.

She stared at the ceiling for a few minutes before falling asleep. Hours later she was awoken by shaking. She slowly opened her eyes, to see Paul standing above her. "Hey. Are you alright? I saw someone come around back. I've already checked it out. I'm going to stay up here for the night. I'll be downstairs okay?" Trisha nodded, not really listening as she was in a trance by his lips.

"Okay..." Paul left the room, and made himself comfortable on the couch. He closed his eyes and let his senses take the lead.

He could hear Trisha rustling in her sleep, the water in the pipes, the soft humming of the air conditioning. His fingers twitched hearing the second heartbeat he was looking for. Footsteps drifted up the steps and Paul stood swiftly, quiet as a mouse as he stalked up after who he assumed was Jeffrey. Before Jeffery could open Trisha's door event more, Paul put the gun to his head. "Forks police. Get on your knees." Jeffrey dropped to his knees as Trisha opened her door looking her petrifier in the face.

The rest of her body was covered, and she looked at Paul as he handcuffed Jeffery. "I'm going to go call this in and have someone pick him up. You're alright now."

In 20 minutes Jeffrey was in the back of a cop car and Paul was dressed in his uniform. Trisha came out dressed in a black robe, and stood next to Paul. "Thank you." She smiled, her eyes shining with happy tears. Paul wiped them away, and smiled. "It's my duty." He nodded at her before walking towards his cruiser. Trisha bit on her lip, her heart hammering. Paul was so out of her league but she had to try.

"Um..Paul!" She called out, making her way to him. He turned around smirking. "Yes?" He asked. Trisha blew some hair from her face and twiddled her hands together. "Do you want to go and get coffee sometime?" She asked, peeking up at him from under her lashes. "Sure. Pick a time and place. I'll bring donuts." He chuckled getting inside the car and started the engine. After a wave goodbye, he turned the car around, smiling like an idiot.

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