On Ice-Heat is Better

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Edward watched Belladonna get picked up by Charlie, his eyes squinting. "Anything?" Alice asked. Edward shook his head. "No. Nothing. I don't understand. Where did the mutt come from?" Edward muttered. Alice shrugged. "I don't know. Well...my vision was wrong...she wasn't going to become a vampire..."

Belladonna opened the door, the wind blowing in from outside. She smiled. "Paul.." Paul smiles although confused. "Have we met before? Besides this morning?" He asked making his way inside. "No. We haven't, but..um..I feel like I know you." She answered. She shut the door behind him. "And how so?" He asked making his way to the kitchen and towards the sink. He opened up the cabinet doors checking the pipes.

Charlie had been complaining about the plumbing for a while. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." She laughed, heading towards the kitchen, leaning against the walkway frame. "Try me." He stated, grunting as he tinkered with something. "Hey, can you bring me...?" Paul stopped mid sentence as he turned around, Belladonna already holding the wrench. He looked at her, his eyes narrowing. "How did you know I wanted this?" He asked, taking it from her and going back under.

Belladonna toyed with her fingers, as she looked down at his dirty boots. "Well...this has already happened before..." She quickly leaned forward, stopping Paul's head from hitting the wood. He looked at her again, cocking his head to the side as he slid out from under the sink. He stood, sitting the wrench on the counter.

"So...psychic or something?" He asked making his way to the chair in the kitchen. Belladonna shrugged. "I don't know. Well before I woke up, you and I were laying together..don't give me that look. Anyway, I told you that I understood why Sam had you guys running patrols..." Paul cut her off by raising his hands. "Wait. Wait. Wait. How do you know about patrol. And what that means?"

Belladonna sat across from him excitedly. "If you would've let me finish...look Sam had all of you running extra patrols since the Cullens left. We then laughed about today. Yes today as in January 20th. This takes place next year...this relationship that you and I have. You said my name twice and then you blurred away...telling me not to forget you. I was surrounded by darkness and then I woke up in the hospital on this day." Paul hummed looking confused. Her brows furrowed as he stared at her hands.

"So you know everything..The Cullens..me. The pack. Who's in it?" Paul asked. Belladonna sat back with a glare. "You, Jared, and Sam. Sam is the alpha, you are the second in command. Your strength and strategy cancels out your anger." Paul nodded. He opened his mouth to speak, but Belladonna knew him that well to guess his next question. "Imprinting is like finding your soulmate. Your other half." She explained. Paul sat back impressed.

"Okay...So you're telling the truth. I thought I imprinted on a looney bin. Well if you were to go about your day as normal today, what would you be doing?" Belladonna bit her lip, staring at the table. "Nothing. Home..figuring out Edward Cullens secret. On the 25th he's supposed to save me from a van. Afterward...I go to his house...and then...I don't know." She answered.

Paul hummed to himself. "I think I know what this is. You've been given the sight. You were in the hospital for a few days and your brain knew this information subconsciously. Whatever was supposed to happen with you and Edward..if you two ever got together...it was something horrible. Some horrible outcome, so your brain was warning you." He explained. Belladonna nodded and looked towards the window for a moment before returning her focus to him. "Why?" She asked.

Paul shrugged. "I don't know." He answered. "But I'm glad you did." He smiled.

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