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Belle watched from the porch as it snowed heavily. She shivered slightly, her eyes looking through the shrubbery to see which creature was watching over her tonight. She caught the silver fur and keen brown eyes. "Paul? It's you right? Did you want to come in? It's freezing out here." The large beast stared at her for a moment before disappearing into the darkness. Belle shivered slightly at the ripple in the air she never noticed before until now.

"Get inside Swan. Your bloodsucker will kill me if you get sick." Paul muttered. He walked from the ends of the bushes that sat on the side of the house. Pretty close but far enough from prying eyes. Belle nodded and made sure he was behind her before she went back inside, shivering slightly. Belle led him to the kitchen where she had soup and sandwiches on the table as well as some hot chocolate. "Um...here. Eat something. I know you guys get hungry." Belle stated, her eyes weeepibg across the table looking for something.

"Hmm. Thanks. Didn't poison it did you?" Paul asked chuckling. Belle shook her head, smiling just a little. Paul and Belle aren't friends but they can be cordial if they wanted to be. Paul sat at the table and picked up a sandwich, examining it before putting it in his mouth. Belle watched as he did so, her eyes lingering on his lips. Belle shook her head slightly.

Paul sat back, staring. "You're quiet. Usually you're a chatterbox. What's going on? Second thoughts about this insane plan?" He asked, grabbing another piece of the small sandwich squares. Belle sighed leaning against the counter. "I'm having second thoughts about everything. Right now I'm wishing The Cullens never returned." She looked down wringing her fingers together. Paul cocked his head to the side. "Why is that?" He asked. "Because...they abandoned me. Family doesn't do that." She whispered, looking at him.

He nodded in agreement before standing. "Then re-evaluate this situation." He stated simply. Belle's brow furrowed. "Is there anything to evaluate? I.." Belle sat down at the table with her head in her hands. "I love him. I do. He left me though. Sometimes I want to tell him to leave, to stop coddling me. I saved him for Christ sakes! Ever since we came back from.." Belle stopped talking not sure if she could continue with her near death experience.

Paul crosses his arms, narrowing at her hesitance. "What?" He asked, curious. Belle looked up at him, her face blank. "Italy." She whispered, her heart speeding up slightly. "What was in Italy?" He asked, his voice quieted as if this was some secrect that he would keep. "Vampire kings." She stated looking out the window, biting on her fingernail. Paul's eyebrows shot up. "There are vampire kings?" He asked cocking his head to the side. Belle nodded, turning to face him again. "Yeah. Crazy right? They want me turned within the next year or..." she hesitated again looking down at her hands.

"Dead?" Paul finished. Bella nodded. Belle stood sighing. "Yeah. I think I'm going to head up to bed. Anything here you can have. Charlie is at work and tell the rest of the pack they can come in and have whatever." Belle answered before scooting around Paul and headed up the stairs. Paul watched her go and then stuffed a few more sandwiches in his mouth before walking out the door.

Paul watched through his keen eyes as Edward jumped towards Belles window climbing in. His eyes sweeped the woods as his ears twitched to the soft sound coming from Belle's home. He could hear her muttering in her sleep, Edward's shuffle in the bed. Then Paul heard her cries and abrupt screams before Edward woke her. Paul listened as Belle started crying.

"What's wrong love?" Edward asked, pushing her hair back. Belle shook her head sniffling. "It's nothing." She sniffed turning over. Edward's cold hand reaches towards her shoulder and Belle flinched. "Belle? Is everything alright?" He asked concerned. Bella turned over slowly, her eyes booodshot red. "No. Can..can you leave? Please? There's somebody outside. I just want to be alone." Edward wipes her cheeks frowning. He stood hesitantly nodding.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked, glancing at her. Belle said nothing turning way from him. "I don't know Edward." She whispered. Edward turned away wishing he could read her mind, hopping from the window. He looked to Paul for a moment before disappearing.

Paul laid down, his eyes and ears listening for the sound of the enemy. He could hear Belle crying upstairs. His ears twitched slightly as he felt compelled to phase human and walk inside. He did so making his way inside. He looked around the living room before making his way upstairs. He knocked on Belle's door before pushing it open. Paul wasn't sure what made him go upstairs. Her crying maybe. Or his need to set her free.

Paul said nothing as he sat on the edge of her bed, his eyes traveling from her feet to her face. Belle sat up , leaning her head on Paul's shoulder. Belle shook slightly as she cried. "Him and I will never be the same." She whispered.

2 Weeks Later

Belle hugged Emmett and smiled as he put her down. He disappeared with the others from the clearing. Belle finally turned to the last member of the family. "Alice." She whispered sadly. Alice's cold arms wrapped around her. Belle shivered slightly craving the warmth that sometimes made its way to her bed, just holding her. Belle pulled away and Alice looked at her seriously. There was no sound as Alice looked at her seriously.

"One year from now..when the ground is covered in snow..the Volturi will come. We'll be there Belle." Alice whispered hugging Belle again before disappearing.

1 year Later

Edward stood next to the wolves, his eyes taking in all of them, looking for one in particular. He turned seeing the large silver wolf. The wolf was facing away from him as if its attention was occupied. It finally moved away from the trees and Edward got a glimpse of his old love. She was beautiful as ever. Her hair was longer and she seemed to gain a little weight.

She looked healthy. The silver wolf nuzzled her stomach in a loving way. Edward's eyes flickered down to her slightly protruding stomach. He turned away, his mind zoning out on the minds of the Volturi. The snow fell, casting a beautiful scenery that will soon be filled with body parts and death. "They're coming." He whispered.

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