Protect Me

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As Eva stepped out of the truck, she looked over at the volatile member of the pack. "You didn't have to come." She said once again. Paul shrugged, his eyes on her house. "I didn't but I decided to. So you can get used to me and I can get used to you." He stated, his eyes narrowing. "What is it?" Eva asked noticing his look. She started to make her way towards the front door, but a warm hand grabbed her by the jacket. "No. I smell leech." Paul growled.

Eva's heart spiked. "This can't be happening." Eva looked around her home in a circle noticing a black Mercedes. "Carlisle?" She asked looking back at the front door. She took a step forward and then stopped looking towards Paul. He was visibly shaking as his attention split between her and the door. "Hey...I know who's in there, and just because I'm going inside doesn't mean I'm going back on my word." She said nodding towards him.

He watched her momentarily, taking in a few gulps of air as his shaking shortened to small trembles. "'re not going in there alone." He snapped grabbing her by the jacket again. "I physically cannot let you go in there by yourself. I'm coming in, but one wrong move, and it's over." She eyed him warily but nodded. The hold on her jacket loosened as Paul walked in front of her towards the front door.

He opened it up swiftly, his arm behind him relaying to Eva to stay behind him. He walked in first flipping on the light switch. Eva was on his heels as she peaked around his tall frame. "Stay here." He commanded going towards the stairs, taking two at a time. She could hear him opening doors and windows. A slight breeze had her squeaking in fear and fright. "Jesus Alice!" She snapped, holding a hand to her fast beating heart.

Paul was down the stairs in seconds, his lips curled as he stood a few ways away from them. Alice frowned at him and looked to Eva with a smile. "I knew I smelled dog. Hi Eva ." She chirped. Eva blinked a few times as she looked at Alice. "Is that all you can say? Hi? After leaving me alone to think that I'm crazy? With a psycho vampire after me? Just a "hi Eva ?"" She asked. Alice's topaz eyes looked at Bella in confusion. "Your guard dog is interfering with my visions. Are you not happy to see me?" Alice pouted.

Eva crossed her arm over her chest as she stared at Alice. "Quite frankly no. What are you doing here?" Eva asked making her way near Paul on the other side of the room. "I needed to talk to you about Edward." Eva sucked in a sharp breath at the sound of his name. "What for?" Paul asked noticing the slight reaction Eva gave. Alice looked at him momentarily before flicking her eyes back to Eva. "He thinks your dead. He..went to the Volturi to expose himself." Eva scoffed. "Drama queen." She rolled her eyes.

Eva shrugged sitting on her couch. "And you want me to do what? Save him? Alice..why would I dangle myself in front of vampire kings who either want me dead or turned?" She asked. "But you will be turned." Alice stated frowning. Eva rolled her eyes. "Check again." Alice's eyes glazed over frowning. "I see nothing. No future of yours whatsoever. You remain human...with one of these dogs." She spat. Eva stood pointing toward the door. "You go save him Alice. He's not my problem anymore." Alice stared at Eva for a few seconds before disappearing into the night.

"I've gotta give you credit stood up to her." Paul chuckled sitting next to her. "That I did." Eva laughed. Paul sobered up cocking his head to the side. He stood, pulling Eva up with him. "Paul—!" The rest of her sentence was muffeled by his chest. Paul used his foot, flipping the couch so that is would land on the both of them. He rolled over on top of Eva as the couch hit his back. He curled his body around hers as gunshots rang throughout the house.

Eva screamed closing her eyes. Within seconds it was over and Eva peaked her head out from

Paul's shoulder and from under the couch. "Holy shit." She whispered.

Paul Lahote One Shots Where stories live. Discover now