1: Stupid memories

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Luke is walking down the street, following close behind an innocent boy; planning to hopefully get a new toy, he's getting bored of his old one.

When the guy turns around, Luke grins. He knows he can't see him, but he feels his presence following behind. Luke finds a weird pleasure in rising panic onto people.

Luke hears something in his head, the voice he dreads to hear.

He shudders, passing through a brick wall that lead inside an empty apartment. Inside he sits on the dirty ground and pulls his hair, wanting to make the voice leave.

"Stop." He mutters.

Luke, my love please stop it.

"Shut it!" Luke yells, feeling his cold hands tremble. "Leave me alone Harry. Just leave me alone!"

Luke you are taking this to far.

"That's my intention." He cries, his blue eyes darkening, "it's your fault, all of this, why couldn't you just have stayed with me? You killed me!"

I would have never killed you Luke, I love you.

"You took, everything from me."

I still love you Luke.

"Go away, go away, go away!" He huffed, and then everything went silent.

To his delight, it was over. For awhile.

Later that day, Luke couldn't help but make himself visible and end his current "relationship" .

"You- you're breaking up with me?" His partner- well ex partner- stuttered, his tears falling loosely.

"Yup." Luke grinned.

"No, please- I- I'll do anything for you, Luke I love you!" Adam pleaded, on his knees, "I've never loved anyone, but you, you're different, and I love you."

Luke put his hand over his chest, fake pouting. Then he broke out into laughter, "Oh, stupid, stupid little Adam. I don't care."

The dark haired boy froze, his hands started to shake and he collapsed to the ground, crying loudly.

"Well, see you around kiddo." Luke chuckled, waving carelessly and exiting the boys house.

Feeling rather bored, and rather fake parched, the blonde beauty roamed into a club and took visible form, his eyes open for a new victim.

"One glass of vodka, please." Luke winked at the lady bartender and a mischievous smile arose in her face, "I'm not flirting, I just want a drink, take that smile off your face." Luke says again and grins.

Humiliated, the girl gives him the drink and shamefully walks away.

"Justin? Justin!" He hears someone call, making him turn his attention to a silver haired boy.


Clearing his throat and fixing his black leather jacket Luke approached him, "Hello, I couldn't help but overhear you where calling someone?"

The boy quickly turns to face the man who had spoken, feeling startled. "Oh, yeah, my friend Justin!"

"Yeah him, I could help you look for him if you'd li-"

"Hey Mike!" A handsome, perfect quiff styled boy pitches in and puts his arm around the boys shoulder, "I was just in the bathroom, ready to go home now?"

Mike. His name is Mike.

Luke grins, "I'm guessing you found him, by the way I'm Luke."

"Michael," So him name is Michael- not Mike. "And this is Justin, nice to meet you Luke. See you around sometime?" Michael smiles kindly and heads off with Justin waving a quick goodbye to Luke, in which he gladly returns.

"Yeah, you will see me around." The blonde chuckles, following the silver haired boy.

Looks like Mr. Heartbreaker found a new prey.

And I'm guessing by now, you all know that that's no good.

Silver boy better watch out, because once Luke wants something, Luke gets it.

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