3: Hi i'm not dead

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"I'm telling you Zayn, they're too close to each other." Luke groaned as the raven haired bloodsucker switched the channel on his plasma. He had witnessed Michael and Justin hold hands all the way to class, and once it was done they grabbed hands all the way home.

It was aggravating.

But Zayn just laughed as he finally shut the tv off, "I got it covered, his name is Justin Drew Bieber, he moved here from Canada like seven years ago and is currently working at Target. I have the scenario planned out on how I am looking for a job, and he's going to help me because seriously, look at me."

"You cocky fuck." Luke scoffs but can't help and smirk. "Well what the fuck are you waiting for? Go."

"Right now? I was about to watch Gossip Girl." Zayn lied before winking and disappearing without a second trace. Luke rolled his eyes before doing the same as well.

Meanwhile, Justin was parking in the lot behind Target, as an employee it was a must.

He tucked in his red polo shirt and adjusted his jeans so they wouldn't look too tight, Justin was more of a sagging pants type.

On his walk inside he felt a cold breeze swoosh by him incredibly fast, "what the fuck?" He muttered as he stopped in his tracks. It was cold outside, yes. But not windy, everything was still.

Justin chose to ignore it, he was ten minutes late to work as it is, so with that he made his way inside and took a last glance back.

"Dumbass he's onto you." Luke spat as he slapped the back of Zayn's head.

"No he's not, it was like a breeze- how the fuck would he know it's me?" The raven haired man retorted.

"Just be fucking careful, you don't want to creep him out, you want to break his heart remember?" Luke sighed and rubbed his forehead, Zayn nodded understandingly. "Now, do whatever it is you're gonna do- I have a flower shop to go to."

Meanwhile; Mary, the flower shop owner sighed as she saw Michael hurriedly picking up pieces of a small broken flower pot. "Michael, honey, that is the fourth time today!"

The pale boy finally finished picking up the broken pieces and faced his boss with a guilty face. "I'm sorry, I'm just a bit off today- school is just really messing me up, I'm sorry."

"It's fine Michael don't apologize, just try to do the right thing alright? Now, I have to go and start getting dinner ready, my parents are visiting. You can close the shop for me right?" Mary asked as she grabbed her coat and slipped it on.

Michael nodded and gave her a toothy smile, "yes ma'am, don't you worry."

The owner smiled warmly at the boy and finally proceeded to walk out the door, shouting a quick "goodbye" to Michael.

"Okay so now, I just put these dirt bag thing-ys in storage and I'm good to go." He says to himself in a perky tone. Michael didn't know anything about flowers, or garden things of such sort. He just thought everything was very very fascinating so he gave it a go.

As soon as Michael disappears through the back door, Luke enters making the bell on the door ring.

"Hm." He looks around the petite place, it was quite cute if he says so himself. Suddenly Luke spotted a deep red rose. There was only one, all of the other flowers were in groups.

But not this one.

Curious, the blonde made its way up to it; feeling a tad mesmerized. Then suddenly he felt mad. He remembered this rose, he swore he had seen it somewhere.

Luke cautiously grabbed it with his pale white hands and brought it up to his nose, wanting to smell its scent.

Then he realized.

He couldn't fucking smell.

Because he was dead.

Now angry, Luke threw it and cussed silently, "stupid flowers, what's the point of them anyway."

"Woah there what did they ever do to you?" A voice behind him said. Startled Luke turned to face the one he searched for.

"Not sure." He replied.

Michael squinted his eyes and then he gasped, "Hey I remember you! You helped me find Justin, It's nice to see you again!"

Luke nearly frowned, no one had ever seemed that excited to see him.

Not noticing, Michael continued to talk, "What brings you around here? It seemed to me that you don't really like these plants."

"No I do like them." Luke lied and tried giving Michael the most innocent smile he could muster, "I just thought it would be nice to just you know, swing by and see them, they lighten my mood."

"Hm." Michael grinned, "they do don't they? They're so pretty and they smell great. Especially the one you just threw on the ground." He added walking over to it and picking it up.

Luke rubbed the back of his neck and laughed as he reached for it as the same time as Michael, making both them snap their heads up and look at each other.

"Oh, sorry!" The boy with silver hair said as he quickly moved his hand away, he frowned, "you're quite cold, are you okay?"

'Shit', Luke thought, clearing his throat he then spoke, "Yeah, I'm just naturally cold I guess!" 

Michael, who didn't want to seem rude in questioning him, decided to let the subject go.

"So, um you're the only one here?" Asked Luke.

"Yes actually, it's quite nice though I like spending time here. Miss Mary just left."

Luke nodded, not bothering to ask who Mary was. "Well want to hang out? When you're off of course, there's not much to do on a Monday night."

Michael nearly blushed, no one had ever asked him "hang out", especially someone this attractive.

"Sure!" He said trying to hide his excitement. "Let me just close up the shop real quick!"

"Alright I'll be outside." Luke grinned and exit as he saw Michael scurrying to finish everything off for the day.

Luke felt someone brush by him, making him feel light headed. "Fuck no, not right now."

Stop this please

"Who gives you the right to tell me what to do?" The blonde muttered back, making sure to keep his voice quiet.

If you hurt anyone else, you won't be able to come here with me

He laughed, "good."

Nothing good come out of all of this

"Well then again what's the fun if there's no danger." Luke protested just as Michael walked out.

"Did you say something?" The shorter boy asked as he fixed his white t.

Luke shook his head and smiled, making Michael do the same in return. "Shall we go?" Lucas asked, the silver dyed hair boy nodded.

A voice in his head rang one more time.

Don't ruin other peoples happiness just because you can't find your own.





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