2: Go to sleep

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A/N: loving writing this book so far tbh

"Justin can you sleep with me tonight?" Michael says cautiously.

His best friend spit out his mouthwash on the sink and stepped out of the restroom, "Why?"

Michael didn't know why. It was weird. But he just felt like there was someone besides him and Justin in his bedroom at the moment.


Bieber sighed but nodded anyway, taking off his shirt to be a bit more comfortable. Michael was about to retort but Justin put his finger up and said, "nuh uh, don't even start."

The silver haired boy rolled his eyes. But stayed quiet, feeling a bit relaxed by having Justin's body pressed against him.

Even though most people would think and still think they date. They don't. This is casual for them, and sometimes they even make out. It's a no strings attached relationship.

When they had both fallen asleep, the blonde haired boy stood in the corner of Michael's room as he transformed to visible form. He felt un pleased by seeing the two boys hugging each other in the bed. Mostly because he likes his victims to be lonely when he meets them, and lonely when he leaves.

"Just you wait, Michael." He states.

Luke had to think of some sort of a plan to separate the two friends so entering Michael's life could be easier.

Finally he smirked as he left Michael's home. He stood in the lonely dark street before saying, "Zayn." In a loud tone.

His only friend appeared almost a minute after he had said his name, his grin making Luke return one, "What's up Lucas?"

Luke gestured his head forward, signaling they take a walk. Zayn followed before Luke started talking.

"So, I found this guy." He said, "and I think I want him for a while."

Zayn nodded his head, he knew what Luke did and how much he hurt people, but he was okay with it. He did the same thing.

"Okay, wait is this what you wanted to tell me? I was about to to eat." The raven haired boy said as he pointed to his fangs. "A boy's gotta get his protein mate."

The blonde put his finger up to silence him before adding, "Let me finish Z. I want him to be my new toy, but he's too connected to this one guy, Justin."

"And that affects me because?"

"Dude seriously?" Luke rolled his eyes at Zayn interrupting him, "because you need to get him out of Michael's life. You said you wanted a new toy, so this is your chance."

They had reached the park at this point and they sat on a bench, "Well, yeah." Zayn agreed, "is he hot though?"

"He's a solid ten." Luke assured him and patted his friends back, "do your pal a favor."

The boy pursed his lips but finally agreed and ended the deal with a handshake.

Luke showed him where Michael lived, and Zayn seemed completely satisfied when he saw Justin, reassuring Luke that he will take care of it completely.

"Great making business with you pal, so what's your plan? I have to hear it." Luke asked and Zayn shrugged.

"I'll look up where he works, get a job there and it's easy from there on." He says and Luke nods. "And you?"

The blonde angel gave him a toothless grin before shaking his head, "That's for me to know and you to figure out."


A/N: Zayn is a vampire if you didn't catch the drift, it's fiction so deal with it m8s

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