Ch. 14

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                                                              Third Person POV 

Peter and Felix stand over the sleeping Ivy. They both know he time is running out and fast. 

"How long is she going to remain like this?" Felix asked 

Peter kneeled in front of her brushing some of her hair out of her face. 

"it depends on her and Neverland's healing process these things take time." Peter says

"When the time comes what are you going to do?" Felix asks

"If I'm out of time for her I'm resulting in plan 'B'" Peter says 

"Which is?" Felix says 

Peter looks back and smirks 

"My last play on the board." He says standing up 

"Rest my song bird." He says  

                                                      Echo Caves

" The tracks lead directly into that cave. This must be where Pan is keeping Neal." Mary Margret says

" If the cave is some sort of prison, why aren't there any guards posted to stop us?" David asks 

" Because this prison doesn't require guards. Echo cave." Hook says 

" You know it?" Mary Margret asks

" All too well. I lost half my crew inside those rock walls. The only way to rescue someone from inside is to reveal a secret." Hook says 

" A secret? That's all?" Mary Margret asks

" Your darkest secret. Echo cave derives its name from an old saying... "the deeper the lie, the more truth in its echo." The cave demands that you reveal a truth about yourself. A secret you would never admit to anyone." Hook says 

" This is ridiculous." Emma says 

" Don't kill the messenger, luv." Hook says 

" Even if we spill our guts, how do we know Neal's still alive in there?" Emma asks

"Because this is what Pan wants. He wants us to rescue him." Hook says 

" Why?" David asks

" So that we reveal our secrets. He believes once we do, our secrets will destroy us." Hook says 

In Echo Cave. Emma, Mary Margaret, David, and Hook enter. Moving forward, on the other end of the cave, locked in a cage and unreachable because of a gap in the cave floor, is Neal.

" Emma!" Neal yells

"Neal." Emma yells

" It must be a hundred feet across." Mary Margret says

" Even if we fashioned some sort of rope, there's nothing to attach it to. No way to swing over." David says 

" So what do we do?" Emma says 

" I told you what needs to be done. Consider this the moment of truth, literally. Now... who wants to kick things off?" Hook says 

" So, what? Someone tells their secret and they sprout wings?" Emma says 

": I don't know the particulars, only what I've been told." Hook responds

" Well, how do you know it'll work?" David asks

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