⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆Chapter 6⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

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"Ready for your check-up, Moon?" Moon looks at me up and down, with an unreadable expression on his face. Seemingly not impressed nor happy about the situation. "Fine. Get it over with," he demands. Throughout the entire maintenance check-up process Moon was surprisingly quiet and compliant. No snide remarks... No murder attempts... This was completely unlike Moon so far.

Just as I was about to finish, he finally speaks up, "Just as I thought. Typical..." "What the fuck is that suppose to mean?" I question, both relieved to hear something from him but yet confused. "Language, Y/N. Don't make me remind you." Rolling my eyes, I comply. "Okay sorry, but answer my question." "What I meant is that all of you humans are all the same. Always poking and prodding at things that don't concern you." Moon explains, his expression remaining stoic as ever.

"Where is this coming from?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. What is he trying to get at??? "Well if you haven't noticed, I am just trying to do my job here. This is literally what I get paid for, making sure you two are in good working order. Nothing else." Moon scoffs.

"Of course, your job." "Are you seriously throwing a hissy fit about the check-up?" Moon's stoic expression remained unchanged as he replied, "I'm not throwing a hissy fit. I'm merely pointing out the human tendency to meddle in things they don't fully comprehend. Not to mention your little gator boyfriend as well."

My eyes narrow at the mention of Monty, "Okay let's get several things straight, he is NOT my boyfriend. Second of all, don't bring him into this, he has NOTHING to do with the check-up, " I argue. "Oh please, it is so obvious. The way he was looking at you and how you shamelessly flirted with that green sad excuse of a gator."

"Bro, Moon, just because he's just being friendly, doesn't mean he wants to get with me!" I exclaim, my voice laced with both embarrassment and frustration.

"Oh please, and what makes you sooo sure of that?" Moon asserts, his stoic expression changing to that of pure jealousy.

"I've literally only met the damn man today! That's what makes me so sure of that!" My cheeks flush with embarrassment, "Even if we were to be more than that, it's still literally none of your concern."

His crimson eyes studied me for a moment, his face unreadable. "I suppose you're right." Moon's jealousy was evident, and I couldn't help but to feel an uncomfortable mix of irritation and sympathy. Taking a deep breath, I try calming down in order to diffuse the situation.

"Look, Moon, I understand that you've had bad experiences with humans, but that doesn't mean that everyone will treat you the same. Give people a chance, and no, Monty isn't trying to get with me, he's just... really outgoing." I explain, taking Moon's hand to hold.

Moon looks away, his jealousy still apparent but his face softening slightly. "You're too trusting," he mutters. I chuckle, "I guess so." Moon tightens his grip on my hand, his thumb lightly rubbing. "I'm here for you, Moon. Sun too." Moon hums in response, leaving us in a comfortable silence.

I look up at Moon's face, his eyes averting mine. Then, what seemingly looks as if a thought crossed his mind, his Cheshire cat grin comes back. Oh no... "Starlight... Do I get one too?~" He asks mischievously, pointing to his cheek with his other hand.

I couldn't help but laugh at Moon's sudden change in demeanor. "Well? I'm waiting~"

I couldn't resist the playful challenge in Moon's eyes. "Alright, you asked for it, Moonie~," I said, leaning in with a smirk.

Moon's eyes widen at the newfound nickname.

Just as I was about to kiss his cheek, he swiftly moves his face, forcing my lips to meet his. A sense of euphoria washed over me, regrettably. His lips were cold, with a hint of some sort of blueberry flavor, its essence now stuck on my lips. I quickly pull away.

"MOON!" I exclaim, my face now extremely flush. He just chuckles, his toothy grin growing. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR???" In response, Moon sticks his midnight blue tongue out at me, still impishly grinning. "MOON?! YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT!" I further yell, weakly attempting to mask the fact that I very much liked that kiss. "Oh, I most certainly can, Dearest...~" He huskily purrs out.

"You're unbelievable...," I mutter, rolling my eyes. "C'mon, the Pizzaplex is going to lock up soon, get your butt off that chair." I walk out of Parts & Services with Moon walking beside me.

We continue our banter as we make our way back to the daycare until the lights of the Daycare cause Sun to come out. "H-Hey Y/N? Can we talk about what happened earlier?-" Sun nervously asks, his eyes erratically avoiding from my gaze. "What? Can't hear you! Nope! Bye-Bye Sun, already miss you lots!" I blurt out, immediately leaving the Daycare, not even giving poor Sun a chance to react. I take several deep breaths, trying to recollect my thoughts as I clock out. What in the fuck did I get myself into... Why did I smooch a robot???? Why did I like it? I can't like it!!! Bro is built for kids- how? Oh my god, what if someone finds out??? I'M GOING TO BE FIRED!!!

I gather my things. When walking towards the main exit, panic seeps into my head. The undeniable feeling of being watched puts me in alarm. I anxiously look behind me.

Hm. Nothing... I continue to exit the Pizzaplex, that feeling from earlier eats at me, making me quicken my pace toward my car. Now in the safety of my car, I finally relax, slumping into the driver seat of my car. Gonna have to do this all over again tomorrow... I groan. My phone lights up, buzzing with a new notification. Huh, a text from some random number. Don't even recognize it...

The text message reading: If you want more, just let me know.

Huh, poor idiot got the wrong number. I shove my phone away before I start up my car, driving back home through the gloom of the night. 

Word Count: 1049

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