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The movie was great and quite terrifying for both of them. It was getting late, so they decided to clean up and wash up.

Jeonghan went in first, and Seungcheol was left in the guest room. He checks his phone, wanting to see if her mother texted or called him.

But there were no missed calls or texts, though there was a call from his coffee shop, where he recently went for a job.

He smiled upon seeing the message after the call. He was hired as a barista. Seungcheol sent a gratitude message afterwards.

Not so long later, another text from the coffee shop pops up. Saying that if he could go to work as early as possible for tomorrow since one of their baristas got sick, Seungcheol took the chance and agreed.

Seungcheol will be in 12th grade in the next 2 months, and he needs to save money for college. For his young age, Seungcheol was the one earning the money, not his parents. He began sustaining his family's needs, especially for his mother, who has a weak immune system. And his father? Might as well consider him gone, Seungcheol thought.

He has three part-time jobs, a very hard obstacle for a young guy. No rest for the whole week, not even a day off. Yet he doesn't give up. He has a dream, and he wants to fulfill it. He wanted to be a successful businessman.

"You seem happy."

Seungcheol got a bit startled when Jeonghan appeared behind him. Seungcheol smiled and nodded.

"I got hired from a coffee shop I went to."

"Oh! Congrats!"

"Thank you."

"Which coffee shop did you go in?"

Jeonghan sat beside Seungcheol on the bed. Listening attentively to Seungcheol as he was invested.

"The coffee shop near Semicolon Street, the one named 'Light a Flame' coffee shop."

"Oh wow! Hehehe!"

"You know that place?"

"Better than what you know." Jeonghan stated with a playful smirk.

Seungcheol squinted his eyes and started to guess everything that came to mind, like whether he owned the place or whether his parents or relatives owned it, but Jeonghan laughed at all those guesses.

"None of them was right, stupid~ I was just a regular customer there since their drinks were so good, and I'm actually amused that you got in there." Jeonghan smiled and patted Seungcheol's head. "Now, take a bath so you can sleep peacefully."

The older man nodded and went inside the bathroom. The guest room has a separate bed, and Jeonghan flopped himself on the bed he chose.
Jeonghan took his phone and dialed his mom. He waited for her response since it was morning there. After a few rings, her mom answered.
"Hey, mom! How are things going in there?" Jeonghan gladly greets, he receives a chuckle from his mom.
"We're doing well, Hannie! Your sister was slowly regaining her strength, and the good news is that we'll be going soon, very very soon. Well, how about you, my son? How are you doing?" Jeonghan couldn't help but smile; he was relaxed at the same time.
"That's great, mom! And I'm doing fine as well; everything is alright, and I also made a friend. He was nice and kind to me. And mom, remember I told you that people kept calling me weird when I'm worried?"
"Yes yes~" 
"He told me that I wasn't weird, mom! He even said that it was a good trait of mine, and mom, I swear he was already such a good friend even though I just met him like hours ago."
"Well, that's indeed a nice friend. You better keep him, or else I will be the one not keeping you."
They both laughed.
"Hannie, I have to go now. And go to sleep now! It's late and you're still up! Go to sleep! Stubborn kid."
"Alright, mom! Bye! I miss you guys so much. Tell Jiha that I love her so much."
"I will! Goodbye, sweetheart!"
His mother ended the call, and Jeonghan smiled as he put his phone down and took his notepad. He examines his bucket list, and there are still a lot of undone things.
▫️Get a lover.
▫️Have my lover make me breakfast.
Jeonghan sighed. How could he get a lover if he can't even make friends? Well, he made two, but it took him years to make just two friends. What else would he want if he wanted a lover? He probably won't have any breakfast from his lover because, in the very first place, he can't get one.
Maybe after vacation since school will start in 2 months. He closed his notepad, took his phone, and just scrolled till he fell asleep.
Jeonghan averted his attention when he heard the door open and shut; it revealed Seungcheol's top naked and his lower body covered only by a towel.
"Oh fuck." Seungcheol cursed as he forgot Jeonghan was just outside the bathroom.
Jeonghan, on the other side, blushed. Even though he was a guy as well, he never saw a man built like this. Build like a meal.
The younger man glanced away, and Seungcheol went inside the bathroom again to wear a robe.
"Sorry about that." Seungcheol let out an awkward smile while he got dressed.
"It's fine—it's really, really fine." Jeonghan also let out an awkward laugh. "It was nice, though." he mumbled.
"Hm?" Seungcheol looked at Jeonghan, and the younger man was in absolute shock with his own words.
"I mean, the smell was nice. You smell nice, yeah, it was nice." He stuttered like an old man with an awkward smile and an awkward laugh again.
"Oh, thank you." Seungcheol smiled as he removed his robe and put on a shirt.
Of course, Jeonghan just had to stare at Seungcheol's back muscle. He gulped, knowing he would say it.
"And a very nice body as well."
Seungcheol looked back at Jeonghan, but he saw him looking at his phone, aggressively scrolling. Seungcheol smirks.
"Thanks a lot, Jeonghan."
He received a giggle from the younger. Seungcheol smiled and laid on his bed.
"Goodnight, Jeonghan. Sweet dreams."
Jeonghan was just melting at how his face was really hot. He's indeed blushing, but for what? Because of his friend?
"Goodnight! Sleep tight, Seungcheol."

They gave each other soft smiles before Seungcheol tucked himself comfortably into bed.
Jeonghan wanted to watch him sleep, but he couldn't; he might make Seungcheol uncomfortable.
So he stayed still, scrolling through his Instagram. Jeonghan then started searching Seungcheol's account, and he wishes he had one.
Fortunately, he found one, but it seems like Seungcheol barely uses it. Even so, Jeonghan followed him. Seungcheol only followed one person, and that was Jihoon. Jeonghan thought that they were really close; Seungcheol even knows Jihoon's password code, but he himself doesn't.
Jeonghan heard Seungcheol's snores; he turned his gaze on him and found him peacefully sleeping. 'He looks really tired' Jeonghan thought. He spent lots of minutes just staring at Seungcheol.
He soon started feeling sleepy; he made himself comfortable on the bed and faced Seungcheol's direction. Jeonghan smiled before he closed his eyes.
"Rest well, Seungcheol."

Jeonghan woke up to his alarm. He was still facing Seungcheol's direction, but he wasn't there anymore. After realizing that Seungcheol was gone, in just a second, Jeonghan was fully awake.
He wondered around the room, but there was no Seungcheol. He got a bit sad, so he sighed and grabbed his phone from the table, but there was a note. Jeonghan read it.
Good morning, Jeonghan. I left early, and I didn't wake you up since you are sleeping well. I made you breakfast before I left; make sure to eat it. I'll see you when I see you again. Nice to meet you, by the way.
- Cheol :)
Jeonghan was smiling like a psycho while he was reading the note. He excitedly tidied up the bed and made his way to the kitchen. He thought he was alone, but he saw Jihoon on the couch, munching an entire bag of chips while watching a soccer game.
"Morning." Jihoon said. "Seungcheol already left, but he left you breakfast."
"Good morning, Jihoon." Jeonghan greets him as well. "May I know where Seungcheol went?"
"Work." Jihoon simply replied.
"Have you eaten yet?" Jeonghan asked as he took a seat at the dining area where his breakfast was.
"I don't eat breakfast." Jeonghan only hummed at Jihoon's statement.
Jeonghan happily ate his breakfast. Smiling at every bite and every gulp. He even smiled while drinking water.
"You sure like the breakfast that your boy friend made." Jihoon chuckled.
Jeonghan choked on his food upon hearing the word 'boyfriend.
"What do you mean, boyfriend? He's not my boyfriend!" Jeonghan claimed, even though he was blushing as hell.
"I said boy friend."
"Hahaha! Chill, tomato."
"Stop, bro!" 


hiii guyss welcome to the predictable happenings in thiz chapter lololol how are you doing everyonee??

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