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As they walked to the hallway, it started to get crowded. Seungcheol took a hold of Jeonghan's hand, which made the younger look at him with a confused look.

"I don't want to lose you." Seungcheol stuttered and tried to avoid Jeonghan's eyes.

Jeonghan's response was to hold on tighter. He grins as he thinks how adorable Seungcheol is—like,  really adorable.

They have reached the plane, yet they are still holding hands. As if both of them don't want to let go.

But they had to let go; they needed to put their hand carried on the overhead locker.

As they settled down, both of them breathed in relief.

"Finally, we're leaving." Jeonghan sighs and smiles at Seungcheol.

"I can't believe I'm actually leaving with you. I was just doing some work when you texted, and now we're here." Jeonghan then chuckled upon hearing the older's statement.

"It's like I kidnapped you, but in a good way, right? Hahaha!" Both of them laugh.

It was indeed bliss. Suddenly, they were leaving to relax.

"That's right. You really did a good job of kidnapping me."

"Of course, you'll never see me slacking."

Soon after, the plane was full and was ready to go at any moment. A few reminders and safety precautions happened before the plane took off.

The boys couldn't help but get excited. Each of them was thinking that the moment they landed, they would be free and relaxed. Both of them are happy and glad.

Especially, Seungcheol.


The long-awaited moment came: the plane landed, and all the passengers started to get their things. Seungcheol and Jeonghan took their belongings, and then Seungcheol took a hold of Jeonghan's hand again.

Obviously, he doesn't want to lose Jeonghan.

Their hearts are excited and overwhelmed by this feeling right now. feeling as delighted as ever.

Just setting foot outside the airport made them giggle in ecstasy.

"I can't wait!"

Jeonghan didn't waste a minute calling for a cab to get them to their destination. On the other hand, Seungcheol couldn't help but stare at the place. For him, it was the best day, and he is the best person with him right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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