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The car has stopped at the airport's parking lot. The driver looked back at the two, smiling at the sight as he saw the boys sleeping peacefully, Jeonghan sleeping on Seungcheol's shoulder. It was an amusing sight for the driver, who had been Jeonghan's companion ever since Jeonghan was still a kid.


Unfortunately, he had to wake the two, or else they would miss the flight. And so he leaned closer and tapped Jeonghan's knees.


"Jeonghan, wake up."


The younger guy was a light sleeper, so he immediately woke up. He was about to move, but he noticed a bit of a heavyweight on his head; Seungcheol was leaning on him—asleep.


Jeonghan looked at his driver and smiled cheekily. And his driver chuckled.


"You two will be late if you don't wake him up." said the driver. Jeonghan frowned but smiled anyway.


"Seungcheol-ah, wake up." The younger nudged lightly. Jeonghan heard him grunt and saw him stretch his arms.


"Where are we?" Seungcheol mumbled, crouching closer to Jeonghan. "Five more minutes," he said as he buried his face on Jeonghan's shoulder.


The driver—okay, let's call him Mr. Kang—Mr. Kang and Jeonghan giggled at the sight of Seungcheol.


"You'll wake him up, I'll go get your luggage." Jeonghan nodded, and Mr. Kang went out of the car.


Jeonghan checked the time; it was 7:26 PM, and they still have a lot of time. So he stayed in his position and let Seungcheol sleep for more.


Jeonghan thought about how adorable Seungcheol is. They were strangers three days ago, and now Seungcheol was clinging so close to Jeonghan—as if finding a very comforting feeling.


Well, that doesn't bother Jeonghan—not even a bit. He doesn't feel uncomfortable with the older; he was rather more open with the older. He felt relieved to meet Seungcheol.


Those 3 days, he deeply appreciated Seungcheol's being. How Seungcheol cared for him, how Seungcheol works so hard, and even if Jeonghan doesn't know the reason for it yet, he admired Seungcheol for being a hard-working person. He also admired the older man for assuring him. It was indeed a good moment for Jeonghan.


And Jeonghan was glad—so glad that he brought Seungcheol with him. He wanted to give the older man the treatment he deserved. That was what Jeonghan wanted to do.

𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐑𝐄 | 𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐥 𝐚𝐮Where stories live. Discover now