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2 years ago





A faint voice of a teenage boy echoed around the silent house. He was woken up by the glass shattering.


As he went down the stairs, he heard his mother crying. The lights were on, and he saw the alcohol bottle shattered on the ground. His mother was sitting close to the broken glass, and his father was standing on the front door; his head was down.


"What is happening here?"


The mother raised her head and saw her son with a confused face. She stood up and wiped away her tears as she walked towards his son.


"There's nothing to worry about, son. We just fought a little, but it's alright now."


With those words that came out of the woman's lips, the man laughed in disbelief.


"Yeah, just a little fight, you said?"


Seungcheol and his mother flinched at the sudden rise of the man's voice. Seungcheol quickly put his mother behind his back.


"Of course those accusations were just a little fight! That woman you were protecting kept accusing me of having another woman behind her back when I don't! She even accused me of sneaking her money out of her fucking jar! I don't even know that shit or what that woman was saying!"


Seungcheol's mother stepped in and defended herself. "I wasn't accusing you; I was asking who's that woman you've been with whenever I visit your work at the restaurant. And yes, you were sneaking my money! I fucking saw you!"


The little boy, Seungcheol, was just looking at his parents arguing. He doesn't know what to do or what to say. He was just watching helplessly.


"That woman was our manager, and I was fired! And please, I wasn't sneaking or stealing some shit on your fucking money jar! Can you please just shut your mouth and let me rest? I'm tired."


"What do you mean you were fired?" Seungcheol couldn't help but to interfere; he knew his father was a great worker, and he was a great cook as well.

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