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Asuna and Leafa saw someone at a distance. So, they ran towards the figure.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Can you please help us!? We're a bit stuck in this weird place!" Leafa said as she went running towards the person while waving her hand.

The guy glared and removed his sword and slashed it towards her.

Asuna managed to pull her back in time. "ARE YOU CRAZY!?!? LITERALLY RUNNING OFF LIKE THAT!! YOU COULD HAVE JUST DIED!!" She said. "AND WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!??? HOW CAN YOU JUST SLASH A PERSON WHO IS UNARMED LIKE THAT !!?" She continued, yelling at the guy.

"I'm really sorry.. I didn't mean to. I thought she was gonna ambush me. So, my reflexes just.." The guy said.

"Hmm..I think I can take your apology into consideration. In your situation I would have done the same." Asuna said.

"I'm really sorry though.. for causing you trouble." Leafa apologized as she bowed.

"No no! It's fine." The guy said.

"So, I'm Asuna Yuuki and she's Leafa Hayashi. Nice to meet you." Asuna said as both the girls bowed.

"And I'm Kirito, uh.. well, my actual name is Kazuto Kirigaya, but I prefer being called Kirito." He said as he bowed back.

"So.. I've been meaning to ask you, is that a real sword?" Asuna asked.

"Sure is."

"But how did you even get one in the first place?" Leafa asked.

"Well, don't you guys have one?" Kirito asked.

"No. To be honest, the place we came from, it's not very normal to even have a sword. Basically you can say no one uses it there. Or at least not carry it with them anywhere they like." Asuna asked.

"Kirito.. Can I touch it?" Leafa said as she was sitting beside Kirito touching the sword.

"What the-" Kirito said as he panicked.

"When the hell did you even get there!!??" Asuna asked.

"Just now." Leafa replied as she touched the sword.

"No! Don't! Be careful with the blade. It's too sharp." Kirito said as he removed his sword and gave it in Leafa's hands.

"Omg! This feels great! I never held a sword in my hand before!" Leafa said as she stood up, holding the sword.

Asuna smiled as she looked at her.

"How come you are so calm Kitito? You know, she can even attack you." Asuna said.

"No she won't. Just just a hunch." Kirito replied.

"You sure got good instincts boy." Leafa said.

"Thank You!? " Kirito replied as he sweat-dropped.

"You wanna try holding it Asuna?" Leafa asked as she handed over the sword.

"Sure!" Asuna replied as she held the sword. "That's a neat blade right there." She continued.

"True." Kirito said.

"Where did you even get this sword?" Leafa asked.

"It was a gift from an old friend." Kirito replied. "He forged this sword all on his own." He continued.

"That's great." Leafa said.

"Not really..he passed away recently.." Kirito said.

"We're really sorry to hear that.." Asuna said as she held Kirito's hands looking in his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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