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EVERYONE turned to lisa who ran in the room breathing heavily

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EVERYONE turned to lisa who ran in the room breathing heavily. "oh my god are you ok?" She breathe out Shanika and Dewayne rumning in behind her. "are you guys ok?" Allisom asked them as they nodded.

"yeah i stabbed him"

"its over"

Everyone was unaware of the presence behind them until Nnamdi yelled out. "everyboget down!" Everyone dropped down except for king who fell back once agaim from an arrow to his shoulder.

"oh shit" seraph breathed out grabbing kings body. "stay down stay down" Nnamdi yelled out grabbing the gum that laid on the floor nefore turning towards the man wjo stood in the doorway as he pulled the trigger of the gun trying to shoot the man but missing everytime. Clifton sat up turning the gun the right way as Nnamdi looked at him before looking back over to the man who wasnt there.

"hes gone yall"

"lets go lets go"

"can someome help me!" Seraph yelled out as she tried to get king up Nnamdi turning towards her when he was about to run as he grabbed King along with seraph the both of them running towards the game room.

Clifton fell as he groaned. "im fine" he muttered shanika grabbing the boy roughly helping him up. Seraph limped towards the wall laying king against it as the adult groaned in pain wrapping his hand around the dull end of the arrow pulling it but breaks it leaving the other half in his back as he groans in pain leaning up against the wall. "shit" seraph muttered as the group tried to get the game room door open.

"allison take this shit out my back" he muttered tiredly. "what?"

"take this shit outta my back!" He yelled out along with Nnamdi. "tak that shit outta his back" he yelled at her tears streaming down her face. "Ok!" She yelled out her voice cracking as she wrapped her hand around the sharp end of the arrow before pulling it out as she fell back when the sharp end of the arrow went into her shoulder her mouth falling open and moans of pain fell out king and allison the afro boy leaning up against seraph whos arm was wrapped around his waist.

The green door opened Seraphs body limping insdie with her arm wrapped around the boys waist leaning him up against the wall that was in the game room Shanika running towards allison who laid in the hallway in pain.

"allison what happened to you?"

"bad bad news he locked us in again" clifton yelled out allison and lisa turning towards him. "what?" allison asked tiredly. "he locked us in again" he yelled as Nnamdi groaned. "what the fuck?"

"oh my god king king!"

Lisa turned towards king seeing his head up against the wall his eyes closed. "oh my god we lost him!" She yelled out slapping king face as he jumped his eyes opening wide. "nigga fuck- shit i was resting my eyes" he said looking at lisa with wide eyes. "god damn keep talking!"

"ok guys guys we need a plan" dewayne said looking at them as seraph moved closer to king resting her hand on his cheek as he leaned up against her arm. "if the killer comes back in here were next" dewayne said as shanika looked at allison who held her shoulder that was bleeding.

"girl how the fuck did this happen?" She asked as Allison pointed to king who was resting on Seraphs arm. "i was trying to help king" she said looking towards shanika. "babe shes gonna need something to wrap that" lisa said to Nnamdi who nodded standing up.

He ripped his shirt off revealing his muscels and a black tank top. "damn" allison muttered looking at him along with everyone else. "painkillers anybody got some painkillers?" Nnamdi asked as Shanika nodded going to her purse. "listen think are there any white people who wanna kill us?" Dewayne asked the group who looked at eachother.

"i mean potentially all of em"

"i mena a white guy said he wanted to kill me yesterday" allison said everyone turning to her. "what who?" Nnamdi asked. "i dont know he was just some stranger on twitter he was mad at me because i said the O'Reilly's auto parts theme song was more culturally relevant than the star spangled banner" Allisom groaned out as Dewayne shrugged.

"i mean your not wrong" his voice shaky looking at the room.

"O O O O'Reilly's" he sang looking at everyone. "Auto parts" the group all said as dewayne nodded. "owh! Oo thats a good song" dewayne said.

Something dinged everyone turning towards the board on the table. "pick a card"

"were not picking anymore cards bruh" Nnamdi said walking towards the table. "are you sure? the outcome of this situation depends on your participation" cliftons hand reached to grab a card but was stopped. "wait what are you doing?" Lisa asked getting up from the floor walking towards the quiet boy.

"well we have to finish the game"

"no we dont"

"i would suggest you pick a card" the piece says seraph laying king up against the wall as she stood up. "you heard what he said girl pick a card" dewayne said as lisa sighed grabbing a card.

"in your predicament the black character is always the first to die...i will spare your lives if you sacrifice the person you deem the blackest to me..."

A/N i promise ill update more this is all i got im sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger but its gonna get interesting trust me... 😭😭

do uu have any questions about the story?

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