Black Arms TF

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This is for those that want to rp their OC becoming a Black Arms hybrid and helping to take over Mobius.

It's basically the Evil OC AU 3 page, but just the transformation so to avoid the restriction in the AU rp book of always having to be on the hero side.

To summarize, that page was basically if Fury went evil by joining the Black Arms as one of them to get revenge on Shadow.

This resulted in the Black Arms increasing their numbers by having some of their aliens merge with male Mobians to get female Mobians as mates.

This merging was also necessary so Black Arms bloodlines never had to feed off the energy of other lifeforms, instead now able consume food and water like everyone else.

Though make no mistake that once you become one of're just as cruel and evil as Eggman on any day.

In the universe this happens in, the population gets so massive that when the invasion is launched, everyone stood no chance at repelling them...let alone defeating them.

Hope you like roleplay as aliens taking over.


Female OC Scenario

You were enjoying a night out...when you met him.

He was a male (Mobian species) with black and red fur similar to Shadow, though this Mobian didn't act like him at all and the red irises were inside yellow eyes.

The newcomer complimented you and offered to buy you a meal or a drink, which you accepted and enjoyed a night together with him.

Soon you two were hanging out together every night and enjoying each other's company, to the point that you forgot about (your male crush) and spent more time with your new friend, the new guy pretty much becoming your new boyfriend.

One night, you and the new Mobian had a hot night together and eventually went to bed together that night.

Some time later, you found out you were pregnant with your new boyfriend's child, which he offered to stay with you and take responsibility of raising the baby with you.

Months later, you gave birth to a male or female Mobian that had many of your new mate's features.

After a little while of you and him raising your child, your mate asks if it's alright if you and their child go with him to meet his family, his parents and siblings eager to see the newest member of family.

You were at first reluctant and little nervous at the idea, but your mate assures you that it's for the child to have more family to grow up around, so you agree to go visit them.

Upon reaching outside the end of an old pipeline, you were then hit with some kind of powder or gas that knocked you unconscious.

You wake up to find yourself restrained to a wall in a tunnel covered in some kind of black gooey substance with your mate holding your child.

What happens next?


Male OC Scenario

You were minding your own business and hanging out at some local restaurant, when you were knocked out upon exiting the building.

Hours later, you wake up to find yourself restrained to the black gooey walls of an abandoned sewer.

Just when you thought you were alone, tall black and red creatures of some kind arrive and look at you before one of them points at you as if they were choosing you.

What happens next?


This idea was suggested to me by TangerbreeSunrise and further encouraged by BehindToo

Feel free to let me know about your OC's name as a Black Arms


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