Amy TF

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Come here if you want to be Sonic's number one fan girl and self proclaimed girlfriend, Amy Rose.

I'm sorry that I can't help the fact that you're crush will be Sonic.

Here's what I got so far

Object TF: You find a large hammer on the ground in the meadow. Do you pick it up?

Possession TF: Amy Rose has died from Eggman's attack recently. She's now stuck as a ghost, never getting to be with Sonic. She then spots someone she could possess to make her new body.

Skinsuit TF 1: You were a huge fan Amy when you were a kid, always watching her on tv. One day, a friend of yours gave you a life like costume of Amy to you for your birthday. Do you try it on later?

Skinsuit TF 2: Amy is feeling curious about having someone share her obsession of Sonic with her. One morning, a dress is left on someone's doorstep.

Twinning TF: Amy has always wanted a sister, or at least a sibling like her. Amy then figures out how to do make herself a twin.

Or you could just make it up!

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