meeting him

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English isn't my first language. happy reading! 📝




"..who the bloody hell is this-?"
"Sorry- ..what-?"

Now this was just strange.



'Aight, my name's,  hobbie- 'obbie brown. I'm 23 years old and for the past 5 years, would you like to now? You get wha' I mean? I've been working at some cafe in nyc. Do I like it? Nah. could i do better? Yeh'. That's when I'm not playing shows, antagonizing facists, staging unpermitted political action/performing art pieces. Or, having a laugh at the pub with the Mandem. I'm not a role model, I was briefly a runway model. I hate the a.m., I hate the pm., (Prime Minister) I hate labels, I'm not a good person, because calling yourself a good person, makes you a self aggrandizing hypocrite, masking a desperate need for validation and ignores the reality that our actions define us more than mere words could. '

'Right, lemme stop blabbering about the lawlessness and the bloody corrupted government of my manor.'

'So, blimey. Look at that. I'm on me day off.' I thought, staring down at my phone. I was so busy walking around time-square after I woke up explaining my whole life story that I actually didn't even know what day it was. '..Jesus, It's the fucking vaccines I'm tellin' ya.' I scoffed. My last break day was three weeks ago, Let's make the most out of it yeah?

I started to dial up an Uber. You think I'm walking in this hot ass weather? It's the mid end of summer but damn how everybody thought it would start getting windy and fresh by now. 'I really ain't got shit to do... But there is a thing I don't hate that much.. visit the cafe ' Usually on my break days I like to go visit the cafe I work at. 'Fun thing is that we don't have to pay if we're ordering.' I snapped out of my thoughts as the Uber pulled up and i just walked away to the back seat and let it drive.

Fifteen minutes later, I arrived at my destination.

I paid, got out of the Uber, and started walking over to the same place I despised and felt neutral about at the same time. (I don't believe in loving something that isn't alive.) As I entered the café, a faint smile played on my lips, prompted by the cheerful jingle of the entrance bell. The familiar aroma of coffee and pastries greeted me, wrapping me in a sense of comfort. With each step, the cozy ambiance seemed to pull me further inside. The low hum of conversation and the rhythmic sounds of the coffee machines created a soothing symphony. My gaze was naturally drawn to the order line, where a vibrant menu hung overhead. Excitement bubbled within me as I imagined the delightful treats I was about to enjoy. I joined the line, my anticipation growing as I looked forward to placing my order and savoring the moment.

When it was finally my turn to order, I glanced ahead, only to find an inexplicable void where the person ahead of me should have been. Confusion crept over me, but then I instinctively lowered my gaze. To my surprise, a cafe employee stood there, looking up at me with a warm smile. The unfamiliar face caught me off guard; I couldn't recall ever seeing him before. I questioned if he was a new addition to the staff, a thought that struck me as odd considering my lengthy tenure at the cafe.

In that moment, my gaze lingered on the boy before me, taking in each distinct detail. His appearance was a combination of captivating features – the carefully styled black hair that framed his face, the warm caramel tint of his skin that held a welcoming charm. But what truly caught my attention were his eyes, with a brightness that hinted at hidden depths. A smile graced his lips, radiating a warmth akin to the sun, drawing me in with an irresistible pull. "Hi! Erm- Hello. What would you like to order?"

"Yeah, 'Bout that mate..Would it be alright to snag a black coffee along with some toast?" I gave a slight smile as I watched the caramel kissed skin boy write on a little notebook. "Hm.. okay! Name please?" The young boy

"Hobbie brown." I lifted a brow slightly to see if he would recognize the name as one of the employee's, Since that's one of the first things that they teached me when I first joined. Their names.

"That will be 7 dollars at 32 cents."

The cashier's voice chimed in with, throwing me off for a second. 'I mean, I work here, Im supposed to be getting this on the house?' I thought, doing a quick mental double-check confirmed that I was supposed to get my coffee and toast for free. I paused, a bit puzzled, as I tried to figure out how to clear this up. "..who the bloody hell is this-?" I wondered aloud, the words escaping louder than I meant them to. Of all my thoughts, that one had certainly made itself heard.

The younger lad working at the cafe seemed to falter, his expression softening into a mix of puzzlement and hurt as his gaze met mine.



"Sorry- ..what-?"

black coffee and chai (Chaipunk) (hobbie x pavitr)Where stories live. Discover now