Being coached.

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happy reading! 📝




"Dont fuck up? 'Kay?"

just who did he think he was?!



'My name is Pavitr Prabhakar. And a few days ago I started working with my Maya auntie at her cafe! Working at the cafe is sooo easy! And most of the time people compliment my hair.. It's kind of motivating, You know? And i don't use any product at all! Just coconut oil, prayers, genetics. but the thing that really infuriates me so much is when people ask for "chai tea!" Do they not understand chai means tea?! You're just- saying tea tea! It's called chai on our menu! People can ask for a coffee, Just fine! But mix up chai?! what if we changed coffee to coffee coffee Hmm?!'

'I rarely have to do anything at all.. But something did happen yesterday..'


while I hustled around the cafe, jotting down orders and keeping things moving, I noticed a shift in the vibe. Then, this tall dude strolled up to the counter, kind of demanding attention. Our eyes locked, and I couldn't help but take in his features. His dark chocolate brown skin had this deep, rich tone, and his hair was all twisted and styled in wicks with flair. Towering over me, he had this confident air about him. His outfit was something else — a black hoodie, tight ripped jeans, and a bunch of punk accessories like chokers and bracelets that gave off a rebellious vibe.

Shaking off my little daze, I gave a nod and a friendly grin, deciding to get back to reality. "Hi! Erm- Hello. What would you like to order?" I hummed out. "yeah, 'bout that mate..Would it be alright to snag a black coffee along with some toast?" His voice, adorned with a refined British accent, seemed to pour out like honey. The air around him seemed to carry a hint of sophistication, as if his accent alone was a mark of refinement that set him apart. I jotted down the order with a contented smile, happy to oblige."Hm.. Okay!" I spoke. as I looked back up at him.

"Name please?" As I spoke, my voice carried a friendly timbre. "Hobbie brown." The male hissed out. I paused. The name was familiar.. Weren't we suppoused to let specific people order for free? Uhm.. I'll ask Maya auntie later.. "That will be 7 dollars and 32 cents."



"..who the bloody hell is this?"

"Sorry- ..what-?" Confusion and hurt welled up within me, causing me to pause, Again. In my tracks, the words I'd just heard seemed to hit a nerve, leaving me momentarily at a loss. "I- You know what- sorry about that mate. Didn't mean to let it slip. I'll pay."


Now that I think about it that dude was really weird. I shrugged, getting up from my bed and checking the clock. 11:20. ' The meeting is at 12..' I thought, starting my preparations, beginning by running a comb through my hair, and then coating it with some coconut oil. With the mirrors reflection in mind, I made a choice for my outfit. Given that it was summer I decided to wear a white polo shirt, khaki colored chinos (it's a real piece of clothing I swear 😞) and a leather belt. I stared at myself in the mirror and shrugged at myself. "I look.. Okay? Not my usual style but it Can do." I smiled and grabbed on my tan leather loafers and put them on with white socks that went up to slightly under my calf.  I shifted my gaze to the clock and, in a quick glance, realized it was already 11:40.

I snatched my phone and wallet, setting my course towards the cafe. I aimed to arrive ahead of the crowd, my steps carrying a hint of eagerness. As it turned out, I managed to get there earlier than I expected. The timing aligned perfectly, with only my aunt Maya arriving shortly after me. "Maya auntie!" I yelped out as I ran towards her and hugged her. Auntie hugging me back shortly. "Pav,, How are you sweetheart?" My aunts soft voice brushed against my ears, Before I could respond her fingers found their way to my cheek, gently stretching them playfully. "Uhgm- am dowing guud! Ack-" I struggled to speak, before my aunt let go and my cheeks went back in place. Suddenly, I saw a tall figure tower over my aunts figure, Her turning around in the meanwhile.

"hobbie!" She exclaimed. Leaving me confused. "Hobbie..?" I whimpered, staring at the figure, And realized it was the same guy I saw yesterday. "wha' sup , mate?" Hobbie spoke, letting out a sly grin as if he was making fun of me. It fueled a rush of both irritation and self consciousness within me. "Seriously?" I couldn't help but mutter under my breath, my cheeks burning as I realized I was becoming the butt of his joke.

"This is my nephew, Pavitr." Maya auntie smiled. I felt hobbies eyes scan me up and down. "Pavitr, Huh? Nice meetin' you again." He extended out his arm to me as I voluntarily flinched, Caught off guard by the sudden movement. My instincts briefly overriding my attempt to maintain composure. I gave in, And shook his hand. It was.. Big.

"Oh! By the way, I completely forgot to mention something." Maya auntie chimed in, a hint of excitement in his her voice. "Hobbie, get ready because you're gonna be coaching my nephew. Tomorrow, I'm expecting you guys to study together, I'll be handing pavitr, the manual. Because I'm guessing by then you would have a way to contact each other... So, Talk about something! In the meantime, I have to go talk to the other workers." As my auntie walked away to converse with the rest of the workers, it suddenly left me and hobbie standing there alone.

I met hobbies gaze, and couldn't help but offer a small grin. "I guess it's just you and me no- Ow..?!" Before I could continue, hobbie swiftly interrupted me, he seized my hand and tugged me along, leading me into another room, and finally into the confines of a storage closet.

The storage closet was tight. It only fit one person. It was stuffy too, lots of weird paint and stuff lodged in there. I felt like I was in a casket! In a fluid motion, hobbie guided me, pushing me against the wall. His forearm extended to meet the surface and found a place on the wall, resting just above my left shoulder. As he leaned in, his head dipped down, bringing us into a proximity that sent a thrilling jolt through me. The anticipation grew as his hot breath cascaded over my ear, igniting a series of tingles that seem to electrify every inch of my skin.

"Don't fuck up. 'Kay?"



The fuck?
Here I was romanticizing this situation and he says that?! Who does this asshole just- think he is?!




black coffee and chai (Chaipunk) (hobbie x pavitr)Where stories live. Discover now