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happy reading! 📝
(very short !! that's why im uploading two chapters today ;) r u guys currently liking the story !? ^^ )




A sense of unease settled in the days that followed Pavitr's sudden disappearance. It had been a week and three days since he was last seen, a void left in the wake of his absence. The café, where he was a familiar presence, felt incomplete without him. Messages of concern and queries were sent, especially by Hobbie, the coworker who had shared shifts and laughter with him. However, these messages remained unanswered, left on read as if lost in a digital abyss. Among those who were growing increasingly concerned were his closest friends, Miles and Gwen. Regulars of the café and companions since elementary school, they were acutely aware of his absence from their lives. The usually bustling café felt quieter, his energy conspicuously missing, leaving behind a lingering question:

Where had Pavitr gone?



I pushed open the door to the café, the cheerful jingle of the bell above signaling our entrance. Miles followed in step, his presence a reassuring anchor in the uncertainty that hung in the air. The café, with its familiar scent of freshly brewed coffee and soft murmur of conversations, should have felt comforting. But today, it carried an undertone of unease.

"Hey, Miles," I whispered, casting a quick glance at him. " Have you seen Pavitr around lately? "

Miles shook his head, his brow furrowing with concern. " No, it's been more than a week. He's never been this absent. "

A shared worry settled between us as we exchanged a knowing look. Pavitr, usually a vibrant presence in this space, had vanished without a trace. Without hesitation, we gravitated towards our usual corner, the cozy spot where we had spent countless hours chatting and laughing.

As we settled into our seats, I sighed softly. "I hope he's okay. This isn't like him."

Miles nodded in agreement, his gaze scanning the room. " Yeah, and he's not replying to any of our messages."

My gaze followed his, lingering on a face I recognized behind the counter – Hobbie, one of the café's employees. Though we didn't know him well, his familiar face offered a potential source of information.

"Let's ask Hobbie," I suggested, nodding in Hobbie's direction. "He might know something."

With a determined nod, we made our way toward the counter, where Hobbie was stationed. Our glances shifted between each other and Hobbie, our unease palpable.

"Hey, Hobbie," I began, forcing a smile as we approached the counter. "Have you seen Pavitr lately?"

Hobbie's expression shifted, and I noticed a flicker of concern in his eyes. "No, it's been more than a week now."

Miles chimed in, confirming our growing apprehension. "And he's not responding to messages."

Hobbie let out a sigh, his gaze distant as if searching for answers. " I've tried reaching out, but it's like he's disappeared."

Turning away from the counter, my thoughts raced for a solution. "Wait a minute," I said to Miles, my gaze locked on Pavitr's aunt who was tidying up nearby. "Isn't Pavitr's aunt the owner of the café?"

Miles raised an intrigued eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Yeah, she is. What are you thinking?"




As the café's closing time drew near, our determination to find answers only grew stronger. The café was gradually emptying out as customers finished their drinks and conversations, and the familiar sound of chairs being pushed in echoed in the background.

My gaze shifted towards Pavitr's aunt who was tidying up nearby. "Excuse me," I began hesitantly, nudging Miles gently as we approached her, "we're friends of Pavitr's. Have you seen him recently?"

Pavitr's aunt turned her attention to us, her eyes softening with recognition. "Gwen, Miles," she greeted warmly. "Of course, I remember you both."

A mixture of relief and concern washed over me. "We were wondering if you've seen Pavitr lately," I inquired, my voice tinged with worry.

Her expression grew somber, and I could see a hint of understanding in her eyes. "Yes," she replied gently, her voice carrying a touch of sympathy. "He's okay, but not mentally. He's currently staying at my house for a while."

The weight of her words settled heavily upon us. "Is he alright?" Miles asked, his concern evident in his tone.

Pavitr's aunt let out a soft, rueful chuckle, her gaze distant for a moment. "Boy problems," she admitted with a small smile, a mixture of fondness and concern in her eyes. "He's been dealing with something. Right now, he doesn't want any visitors. I'll talk to him about you both, though."

With the café around us gradually emptying and chairs being stacked, the reminder that it was closing time was inescapable. The familiar ambiance of the café, which we had shared countless memories in, was now fading into the background as we focused on the news about our friend.

"Thank you," I said, my gratitude mixed with a sense of respect for Pavitr's aunt's understanding.

As we left the café, the weight of Pavitr's struggles was palpable in the air. Determination fueled our steps as we walked away, united in our resolve to be there for Pavitr when he was ready to share his burdens. The café, once a place of comfort, now held an air of uncertainty, and we knew that the road ahead wouldn't be easy.

black coffee and chai (Chaipunk) (hobbie x pavitr)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu