Confrontation and resolution. - END OF SEASON 1.

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happy reading! 📝
(Sorry for updating so late! it will all be worth it in a bit."




"I want to understand you better, Pavitr. I want to know your fears, your hopes, and everything that makes you who you are."

"I don't know if I'm ready to share everything."



getting a text from my aunt stirred up a mixture of curiosity and mild anxiety. Thought her message was simple yet intriguing: "Vitri, I accidentally left the jacket you lent me at the cafe. I'm far away right now. Can you go get it?" I stared at the words on my phone, contemplating what if she had left anything else during her previous visit to the café. It was an unexpected reason to return, and we became the thought of running into Hobbie. The coworker who had been on my mind in ways I had expected.

After a moment of hesitation, I decided to respond. "I'll be there soon. just finishing up"

Heading towards the café. A mix of anticipation and uncertainty turned within me. The café had become a place of comfort and complexity, largely due to hobbies presence with each step, my heart raise a little faster, mirroring the unspoken questions and emotions that swirled within.

As I approached the café, a wave of memories washed over me. The familiar aroma of brewing coffee and the soft hum of the espresso machine were oddly comforting. The bell above the door jingled as I entered, and I scanned the empty, deserted space. It was 10 PM, and the only presence was Hobbie, the lone figure behind the counter.

I took a deep breath and made my way to the back door, hesitating for a moment before pushing it open. The staff lounge was bathed in shadows, with the low hum of the refrigerator providing a soft background noise. My jacket hung casually over the back of a chair, and I swiftly retrieved it. As I reached for my wallet on the table, the door creaked open behind me.

"Pavitr...?" Hobbie's voice, with its distinctive British accent and playful cadence, caught me off guard. I froze, my hand hovering over my wallet, and slowly turned around to face him.

Hobbie stood there, looking both surprised and intrigued. His tall frame leaned casually against the door frame, and the subdued light accentuated the contours of his features. His eyes locked onto mine, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.


"Hi," I stammered. Hobbie raised a brow, his expression a mix of confusion and concern, as he inched closer, taking six deliberate steps over to me. "Hi? That's it?" he said, his tone carrying a hint of flabbergastment. And was that hurt?

I hesitated before responding, "I...I didn't expect to see you here." My eyes remained fixed on the floor, unable to meet his gaze.

Hobbie sighed, the concern deepening in his eyes. "Pavitr.. Whats going on with you?"

I took a shaky breath, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. "I dont want to talk about this."  I grabbed my wallet, determined to walk away from the brewing confrontation. But as I turned to leave, Hobbie's voice, laced with frustration and confusion, stopped me in my tracks.

black coffee and chai (Chaipunk) (hobbie x pavitr)Where stories live. Discover now