Coming over. 🔞

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happy reading! 📝
(slight nsfw and VERY long.)




"You always manage to turn any situation into something... Interesting."
"Well, it's important that I keep things, Spicy."

I thought we were studying?!


I was in the middle of a fantastic dream when that annoying alarm blared like a fire siren. Seriously?! I Don't work today! Why did I have an alarm put on?

I picked up my phone and squinted at the time, and the message that came along with the alarm. "Last alarm, B ready for hobbie to come over and study."  I nearly fell out of bed. — I was twenty minutes late! panic mode : activated.

I catapulted myself out of bed, swearing under my breath as I scrambled to reign a semblance of control, dust became my enemy as I waged war with my trusty duster, determined to turn my place from a disaster zone to a presentable haven. The mop became my dance partner as I tangled across the floor, chasing away the remnants of yesterdays chaos.

Dishes clattered and splashed as I attacked with a newfound vigor, a one person dishwashing rave. The vacuum roared to life, sucking up dust and dirt like it was on a mission from the cleaning gods. With each swipe and scrub, my hone transformed from disaster scene to something I might actually be proud of.

I collapsed onto the bed I'd just made the exhaustion hitting me like a ton of bricks, my phone buzzed and I groaned. — couldn't a guy catch a break? But then I saw the text from Hobbie. Ignoring the previous alarms that I had snoozed on, suddenly, my tiredness took a backseat to the fluttery feeling in my chest I propped myself up and read the message, a grin creeping onto my face as I soaked in every word.


Tallguyhobbiefromwork :

Hey. U awake? - 9:30
Alright you. Did you forget the plans we had? - 9:50

You just avoiding the text books or avoiding me? xx - 11:00

Let me know when you wake up. I'm near your neighborhood. - 12:00

READ AT 12:40

pav :

omg I'm so sorry ☹️☹️ I oberslept - 1:00
OVER SLEPT* - 1:00
Yeah you can come over now.. You have my full adress? - 1:03

READ AT 1:04

Tallguyhobbiefromwork :

Mhm. - 1:04

pav :

ok great! see u soon. 1:08


I closed my phone with a small smile, the message from the person I liked warming my thoughts. Well, I don't know if like is the word.. Hes handsome.. More like hot. But rude. Anyways, It was time to switch gears and get comfortable for some serious studying. I opted for a pair of shorts and a hoodie, the epitome of coziness. Slipping into the outfit, I made my way to the bed and sprawled out, gazing up at the ceiling as a rush of emotion and thoughts swirled through my mind,

black coffee and chai (Chaipunk) (hobbie x pavitr)Where stories live. Discover now