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Even the romans knew love

They are called "romans" for a reason

They knew love like no other

Just ask about their gods, they had a different mistress every season

There is a very pretty saying,

"Ubi amor, ibi dolor."

They said that when they broke up

They believed that the gods held the controller

Or maybe "Si vis amari, ama."

"To be loved, love."

They were very wise those romans

It's sad that there were so many societies they tried to get rid of

Their gods were very into romance, to be honest

For example, you have the story of Minerva, Poseidon and Athena

Or maybe that of Apollo and Daphne

Maybe you like the story of Aeneas and Dido regina

Their rivals on the other hand, the greek

Those were never loyal

Especially Zeus with Hera

He had at least 55 other mistresses, some of them even royal

The most loyal of them all though, were Hades and Persephone

They loved each other very much

He fell first, but they both fell deep

Many say that Persephone was the most powerful, but you be the judge

The gods knew how to attract

That's for sure

But they also took their revenge

And for death, there is no cure

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