Did i fuck it up again?

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Did i fuck up?
I'm not sure
Because i did text you
But you talk to and about me the same way as with her
I don't think i regret it
Sometimes i do
But that's only because of our friends
Not because of you
When i'm with you, i feel seen once again
Like i have finally stepped into the light
I feel much better that before
Better than all those crying nights
You actually want to talk to me
Although, that's how it looks
We talk for hours and hours
You seem like the perfect boy, out of books
In my poems, i ramble about us
The words never stop
My rhymes talk about everything
From subject to subject, they hop
The subjects change a lot
Like, i've told that i think of you
That i think of you all day
But now i know that all that time, you did too
You also thought of me in my absence
When the day came
When the night fell
And so did the rain
The rain poured because our eyes couldn't
Forced to stay silent about it
But i don't want to be silent
I want to be able to talk about every single bit
I want to scream about our love
Tell everyone who wants to hear
I want to be proud of us
And what i don't want to feel is fear

Passionate poemsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang