Peace with you

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I had found peace in your arms
Curling up around me
I prayed they would never leave
But once again, you flee
I relive our hugs over and over again in my head
A moment i wished would never end
But it could never go on
So i stay in bed, wishing i was more than just a friend
WIshing we could go back to our flirty conversations
Where my heart hadn’t broken yet
Where i was happy
Not filled with regret
My chest aches from the pain it's going through
The only thing that could ever sooth it, was you
Now there is neither ‘us’, nor ‘you’ in my life
It’s just me, keeping myself alive
How I have managed for this long, well, barely
I can block it out though
So don't worry about me
My happiness and motivation dies down, painful and slow
I’ll leave you alone now
Let you go and do your thing
Just, please don’t tell me about it
Because -still, i know- it would sting

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