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Breaking the news of jimin's pregnancy to his pup must have to be the most memorable moment of taehyung's day.

Taehyung watched amused everyday how yoonjae's nose comes to a stop at his omega's scent gland when jimin goes through scenting their pup, button nose twitching to sniff jimin better, bambi eyes swirling with confusion upon smelling the shift in his father's scent.

His wolf cooed in glee when every time yoonjae looks at him over jimin's shoulder, confusing orbs seeking answers from him.

Jimin giggles when their pup buries his head on his shoulder, snuffling and squirming in jimin's lap probably from the excitement of smelling the sudden sweetness in the scent of vanilla.

Taehyung's eyes would meet jimin's from where he is sitting on a chair with his chin placed over his folded hand, face lax with fond eyes and a dazed smile on his mouth. Jimin's lips would be concealed between the messy curls of their pups head yet taehyung's eyes unmistakably find the content smile on the full lips.

Cupping a hand around yoonjae's nape, jimin rocks the five year old in his hold letting the pup nose the crook of his neck.

Yoonjae stared at him puzzled when taehyung broke the news of his omega father being pupped, lips pressing a smile on the child's head when his little one didn't understand what he meant by 'you are going to be a big brother'.

His mate may have smacked him in the chest for confusing their child by just bombing the info but taehyung was just too damn happy and he wanted their pup to be a part of it,  grabbing yoonjae's tiny hand in his to place the soft palm over jimin's flat tummy to caress the warmth safely holding a beacon of their love.

Yoonjae's eyes shot up intrigued, running his small hands messily over jimin's stomach along with taehyung's, making jimin laugh from the tickling.

Jimin's eyes teared up when yoonjae laid his head down on his tummy afterwards, small arms trying but failing to wrap his limbs fully around his waist in an attempt to hug him with taehyung in tow to cuddle his lap.

Jimin cards his fingers through two similar mops of head, endeared and pleased after finding yoonjae fast asleep on him, taehyung's hand petting the dozing child.

Taehyung  circles his arm around jimin to hold both yoonjae and his omega in a big hug, lavender delighted and in the clouds, his wolf too lost in purring with a swollen heart full of love for his small family.


There across the street, taehyung has his eyes trained on his omega with their pup on his hips, giggling sweetly at seokjin who is conversing animatedly with yoonjae.

Taehyung watched transfixed with his pup clapping high spirited, vibrating so excitedly in jimin's hips from seeing his hyung pulling silly tricks ( seokjin never fails to keep his pup engaged, indulging and entertaining yoonjae and taehyung is thankful to his hyung for that), jimin's lips contagious and tugging a smile on his own lips.

A sudden pain shot up the side of his body, wiping the smile right off his lips and taehyung doubled over in pain, cursing the little devil for the millionth time.

Where did this Satan suddenly sprout from?

'Yo, wipe that love sick look from your face. You look like a fool, you dickhead', jungkook has the audacity to grumble after jabbing him in the ribs, roughly might he add, obnoxiously chewing on a stick of candy.

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