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Taehyung's sure that the plan he is about to execute is going to be cheap.

But him and his wolf is too tired to think about the consequences. He's just desperate at this point and anymore of this torture is going to kill him for real and he isn't bluffing.

After seeing jimin today, the yearning in him has reached a profound new level and taehyung never knew he can miss someone to the point of no return.

Sure taehyung intended to run to jimin's arms first thing after the omega spotted his head among the bushes he chose to hide, not realising that jungkook had accompanied his mate to pick their child from school.

Taehyung payed no mind to the amused glare the young alpha directed his way while he stumbled out of the undergrowth on shaky legs though a part of him wanted to wipe that stupid grin off jungkook's face. Infact him and jungkook got into a fist fight not two minutes into meeting and taehyung realised afterwards how it was the young alpha's trick to keep his focus away from jimin cause by the time he managed to overpower the muscle bunny, jimin was nowhere to be found.

Sitting back on jungkook's legs pinned down by his bodyweight, taehyung stared at the place he last saw his mate, wondering whether the pang in his heart is going to be the reason for his death.

Taehyung didnt mean to but his eyes began watering, scent putrid as he mourned the best chance he was able to find in these three days to carry out the scheme he's been waiting to perform. Taehyung's not sure who he should blame for the chance he missed.

'Oh my god, hyung, w-why are you crying?'

He heard jungkook's panicked voice as he plopped down on the hard ground, the younger scrambling off the ground in record speed as he was relieved of taehyung's weight, cupping his shoulder softly as it shook with the force of his cries.

'I'm so sorry, hyung', the younger kept apologising as he sobbed on jungkook's shoulder, petting a hand through his hair as some means to calm him down.

It's the first time taehyung ever let jungkook see this vulnerable side of him and he can tell that him breaking down in the middle of the road, unprompted caught the young alpha completely off guard, jungkook's sandalwood turning comforting to help his distress.

Boosted by his wolf's encouragement, taehyung walks to his house, the woods surrounding him creepy, the trees overhead casting shadows that on a regular night would have frightened him. But there's a pep in his steps, face determined cause he has made up his mind and nothing is going to make him backtrack.

The drizzle crashing onto his body also isn't going to change his mind. He's going to get what he wants and there's no one going to stop him from doing that.

After his abrupt breakdown, jungkook encouraged him to pursue his plan, even gave him a thumbs up as he sauntered out of his hyungs house, waving him bye as his feet took him towards the path taehyung found hesitating to trace in the last three days.

At a distance, taehyung could see his house, front door illuminated by the fairy lights he gifted jimin on their fifth anniversary and his wolf watched in trepidation as he caught the sight of his omega by their kitchen window, immersed in humming a song underneath his breath.

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