ONE - Salt Air...

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Salt Air

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Salt Air...

The sound of Taylor Swifts voice filled Caroline Lewis' room as she finalized checking that she had everything for a summers stay at Cousins beach. The girl sang along to her newest playlist, hand picked to soundtrack the drive up to the summer house.

"Caroline and Finn, we're leaving in twenty minutes! Please make sure you have everything because we're not turning around if you forget something." Delilah Lewis yelled up to her kids

"Got it mom!" Caroline yelled back as she walked over to her brother Finn's room.

Finn Lewis' room was an enternal mess. Ever since he could pick things up and move them around his floor was constantly covered in clothes and other miscellaneous items. The room had a constant teen boy smell that Caroline would always gag at to annoy her brother. She could never wrap her head around how her and her brother were only a year and a half apart, but had completely different personalities.

"I don't understand how you sleep with a pile of clothes on your bed. How does it not bother you?" The girl asked her brother as she stepped into the room.

"I don't know. It's just there, and I always forget it's there. Plus it's some of my clothes for the summer so technically I'm smart for already having them out." Finn responded as he haphazardly threw things into his bag.

"Just make sure you're ready in twenty before mom flips out on you like she does every time."

"I'm always ready." Caroline rolled her eyes at her brothers statement, as he was never ready on time and belabored the process by making jokes about how he was always prepared; which would always send their mother into a fit.

The girl decided to bring her packed bags downstairs in order to avoid her already stressed mother becoming even more stressed. As she descended the stairs she could see her mother speed walking around the house, making sure she had packed everything the family needed.

"Caro, I can't find my driving glasses." Delilah said in a frantic tone.

"Relax mom, they're on your head. You're doing that thing where you have one pair of glasses to see and the other ones you use as a headband."

Delilah patted the top of her head and felt her driving glasses while letting out a sigh of relief.

"What would I do without my sweet Caroline?"

"Probably be so sad that you're stuck with just Finn." Caroline replied with a laugh as she sat down at the kitchen island.

As she sat down, the family's cat Sprout jumped up onto the seat next to her and sprang onto the island.
Caroline pet Sprout as Finn came down the stairs with his bags.

TO THE SEA ~ Conrad FisherWhere stories live. Discover now