THREE - Waiting On The Sun to Go Down

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Waiting On The Sun to Go Down

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Waiting On The Sun to Go Down

Caroline woke up the next day with Conrad on her mind. She spent the hours before bed playing over their small moments in her mind. Sure she considered herself absolutely delusional for reading into any of it, but sue her for being a teen girl with a crush.

The girl took her time getting ready that morning since it was her first full day at the summer house. She slowly climbed out of bed and checked her phone to see a text from Belly reading 'see you soon!!'. Caroline smiled to herself and typed a quick reply before walking over to her dresser and changing into a swimsuit. She chose a solid purple one piece since she would just be swimming in the pool, as she and Belly would always have the first beach swim together.

Caroline did her best to walk quietly downstairs since Finn always slept in late and would make it everyone's problem if he was woken up. She wandered out to the patio to see that her mother was already there.

"Morning Caro. How did you sleep last night?" Delilah asked her daughter while she placed her coffee cup down.

"I slept well, but it's weird not having Sprout laying on top of me the whole night."

Delilah gave a small laugh in response, "I know you miss that cat, and I promise when I'm back home I'll send you tons of photos."

"Do you have to go back home for work?" Caroline asked with a frown. She wasn't happy when Delilah had brought up how she would be traveling back and forth from Boston nearly every week.

"I'll still be here most of the summer. Anyways I thought you'd be more excited about staying at the Fishers and sharing a room with Belly."

"It's not that I'm not excited, I'll just miss you when you're gone. Who's gonna keep Finn in check?" The young girl responded.

"You and I both know that Laurel won't hesitate to scold that boy. I wish we could keep her around year round to get Finn in order." Delilah laughed as she thought over how terrified Finn was of the Conklin matriarch.

"I'm gonna go for a quick swim, remind me to get out so I can change before the Conklins get here." Caroline said as she dropped her towel on a chair and made her way over to the pool.

The girl jumped into the water and smiled to herself as she floated on her back. Caroline could spend hours in the water, remembering the summer that the moms started calling her and Belly their little mermaids. The two girls were close due to their many similarities and love of the beach houses. Caroline couldn't remember, but according to Delilah the girl was beyond joyful when Belly was born, as she would have a built in best friend. Over the years the girls bonded over being excluded by the boys. They formed their own traditions like Disney movie nights and dance marathons.

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