3 - To Swim With the Fishes

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Everything was blurry, devoid of any light. He hears constant screaming of little kids, they sound more and more louder in the enclosed space of the plane. A notice from the pilot of increasing turbulence could be heard from every seat on the plane. What the hell was happening? Was he actually going to die on this trip? Were any of the breaths he would inevitably take would be his last? Someone besides him, he assumed to be Donnie, could be heard rattling with the oxygen mask. "Wear it, young man." The shaky voice spoke to him. Wait, that isn't Donnie's voice...?

This isn't his plane.

He jolts up from his rest, taking heavy breaths in. Donnie looks at him over his book, visibly confused.

"What's wrong?" He mumbled. Sam couldn't muster up any reactions, still shaken because of his subconscious. Music is playing on one of his headphones, the other pair still on Donnie's ear. He offers him a cup of tea and some cookies, his book now situated between his arms. Sam gladly takes the tea and chugs it down his esophagus in one breath.

"..Thank you." He managed to breathe again, resting his head back on the comfy chair.

He despised nightmares, especially ones that take inspiration from what his body was experiencing. Unfortunately, these types of nightmares happen a lot. Waking up in the hospital after a sudden car crash, hiding under his blanket after intruders broke into their dorm, waking up in the attic of his grandmother's cabin only to be watched by eyes from a corner, and countless more he'd wish to forget. Today was a not so bad one, since Donnie was there to calm him down. As if sensing a command, his hand climbs up the hand rest to lay on top of Sam's, intertwining each delicate finger together. Maybe this unspoken boyfriend contract wasn't really that bad.

After ensuring that Sam was really doing fine, Donnie grabs his book with his left hand, letting the right one marinate in the tight air between them both. His hand was soft, but with textured veins popping up here and there. He continues to caress Sam's limp hands in order to calm him down, silently gazing on the rosemary colored curves above his chin.

"Are you alright now?" Donnie slowly picks up both their arms, still intertwining them in the air.

"Yeah, a bit." Sam's flushed expression can't be buried anymore, as his freckled cheeks turn a shade of red.

"That's wonderful." He smiles at him, dragging the back of his hand to a few inches away from his mouth. "May i?" He questions,

"...You may." Sam laughs as Donnie kisses his hand slowly, making sure every corner is filled with transparent lip stains, a memory of what once lived and loved there for even a brief moment. His mouth slowly climbs up his ring finger, tracing over the lines on his skin. Then he stops for a brief moment, hands held in place.

"Do you actually enjoy these kinds of things? If not, I can totally stop, you know...", Donnie's eyes are gleaming.

"Well, I mean, what boyfriend would say no? Even if they're just a temporary one." Yes, of course. That's what it is, temporary. Once they're both done they will return to the dorm as friends. Donnie decides to ignore that last statement, and proceeds to continue laying kisses all over his hands, and then climbing up into his arms.

"So, you're saying I'm your boyfriend now?" He laughs, the waves quivering into Sam's skin. He brushes off his comments and rolls his eyes, though he is giggling with him as well. Donnie stops on his arm, retreating back to his original position to continue reading his book, while they both enjoy some of Sam's music, still holding hands. Fortunately, the lady at the the other end of their row seemed to mind her own business, Mean Girls playing on such a high volume that they both can basically hear and recite the dialogue clearly through her earphones.

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