7 - Neither Fought nor Found

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Donnie couldn't really care if Sam's feelings got hurt. He signed up for this, he knows the consequences and he followed through until now. He knows this is only artificial. But somehow, his heart still sinks every time he echoes what Marco said. 'Is he actually in love with me?' He asks himself. He glances at the passenger seat. Here, Sam sits comfortably, scrolling through his spotify playlist. He stares into his outline, carving with his eyes a hole on Sam's head, maybe with this he could see what he's thinking of. Is he thinking of me?

"You might kill me if you stare so hard." Sam teases, without looking back at Donnie. He notices himself and continues his focus on the road. It's been a few years since he drove his family car, but figuring they'd immediately go to Ma's after whatever business they have, Alfeo decides to give it to them anyway. Though now he himself must walk back home.

Donnie's phone rings, it's his girlfriend. Though the 'love of my life' was in Italian, the red hearts were still visible.

"Who's that?" Sam looks at the phone lying on the dashboard.

"That's uh, that's my Ma. Just wait until it stops." He answers. After the vibrations settled, he opened his phone to turn on Do not Disturb.

He met his girlfriend 3 years ago. He actually went to Italy and attempted to come back home as some sort of protest against his family for condemning him. That seemed to backfire, as he ended up getting pickpocketed and losing his ID in a 'foreign' country. Though fortunately, somehow fate was kind enough to send him someone to aid him. Sofia was her name, she helped chase the stealer for miles before they surrendered. They got to know each other and then whatever happened, happened.

Sofia had asked once, to meet his family. But the embarrassment would be more than enough to poison him for the rest of his life. To be kicked out for homosexuality and returning with the opposite of what he pledged.

"Hey, you okay?" Sam leans forward to get a better look at him. He was zoning out, wasn't he? He immediately fixes his posture to realize that they're nowhere near his planned spot.

"Yeah, I'm.. fine. Though forgive me, I took a wrong turn." He looks back at the guy, sitting slouched onto the airbag container. He is gorgeous, Donnie can't afford to screw this up. If he found out, got mad at him and he would never want to continue this plan, who else should Donnie seek?

"Where are you planning to take me out to, anyway?" Sam laughs, deciding to go back to the comforts of his chair. They have been driving for at least 30 minutes, though the traffic wasn't that bad.

"Seems far..." he continues, peeking out the windows. To his gaze, meets a view of crowds walking through the city. Families, couples, pets and owners, children, no one was alone.

"It's somewhere special." The driver chuckles at himself.

Sam looks at the guy again. "Hm? What is it though?" Donnie steers the wheel to the left. "Secret." He whispers, pulling his index finger against his mouth.

"Oh come on, tell me." Sam wished he could do any form of attack, tickling maybe. But that would be hazardous especially in the middle of such a busy road. So instead, he opts to look at him, trying hard to look seductive as possible. Maybe that'll make him give in.

"Still no, babe." He steers left and right, trying to ignore the guy and his eyelashes.

"Is it a.. dinner?" Sam continues to maintain his interrogating voice. "You're not getting anything out of asking me." Donnie chuckles.

"Oh come on, at least tell me something, anything." Sam begs.

"I'll tell you that it'll be very, very special. And that you'll love it. No more asking now." Donnie gets his winning victory, as the disappointed Sam slumps into his chair.

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