Other mate

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Aviana's POV:

To say I was shocked was an understatement.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I've read books about this, well mostly smutty books. But I always thought werewolves were a myth and things in books and fairytales. Never in a million years did I think it would be real.

I walk up to the wolf, who was just Keaton, and gently pet his fur.

"I can't believe the stories are real," I whisper in awe. Keaton, or I guess the wolf, tilted his head at me, and I look back at Jay to see him mouth hanging wide open. I smile at him.

"I read books about this, I would have never thought this is real," I say. Jay comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. I immediately try to get out of his hold, not wanting him to feel my lower stomach, but he just tightens his grip and gently growls in my ear, giving me butterflies in my stomach.

Jay gently tucks some stray hairs behind my ear.

"Do you know why we told you this Darling?" He asks. I look at him with a tilted head, still trying to look as the wolf.

He smirks. "Your ours, baby. Our soulmate. Our mate."

I stiffen and now completely turn my head to try to look at him.

"What? There's no way I'm your mate, there has to be a mistake," I rush out. Why would I of all people be mates, which I didn't even know were actually real until 10 seconds ago, with 2 smoking hot Greek gods. They need someone pretty than me. Skinnier than me. More confident than me. I'm couldn't be there mate.

I turn my head back to Keaton and see him now changed back to his human form, wearing his clothes from earlier. Dang he changes fast.

He speed-walks up to me, grips my shoulders, and slams his front against mine. Sandwiching me between them. He looks at me with anger. I cast my eyes downward and leak back into Jay, now frightened.

Jay spins me around and holds me to his chest.

"You're scaring her calm down," he says to Keaton. I hear Keaton scoff.

"Oh please, you act like I'm gonna hurt her. She's my mate as much as she is yours. I would never hurt her in a way she didn't like," he replied. My face quickly heats up and I bury my face even more into Jays hard chest. I feel Jay silently chuckle, noticing my red cheeks.

"See she likes it," Keaton teases. I lift my head and turn to look at him.

"No I don't."

Suddenly his eyes turn dark and he gets even closer to me.

"You're a bad liar baby. Don't worry, I'll punish you for that later," he says. That makes me bury my face back into Jays chest. I feel Jays hand bury into my hair before I feel him using it to take my head of his chest, gently yanking it.

He lifts my head up to meet his eyes.

"Don't think you'll get any pity from me baby. You heard him," he whispers to me erotically.
My face gets even redder and I start to rub my thighs together, feeling wetness start to dampen my panties.

We all turn our heads when we hear someone clear there throats. It's the old woman from earlier.

"If you are all done, I'd suggest we talk about why we're really here," she says.


After we get back into the house, Keaton and I get situated on the couch across from the woman. Jay is standing closely to me beside the couch.

"Now Aviana," she starts. "You must have gathered that this is our Pack territory, assuming you learned from those books you say you have read." She smirks at me.
I look down with a shy smile.

"Yes I have." She nods her head in understanding.

"Good, that's less for us to explain. Now let's get to why we're really hear."

"It has to do with the note you showed me," says Keaton. I turn to look at him.

"What about it?" I question.

"We think someone may be targeting you because of our high status in the pack," says Jay.

"What do you mean?"

"By directly destroying your room, and leaving you a threatening note, we have reason to believe an Alpha of another pack may be targeting you to get to us," explains Keaton. That makes me gulp.

"So am I in serious danger here," I ask. I look at the woman and she has a sad smile on her face.

"What they say is true Aviana, which puts you in danger. We don't know when, how or if this person will target you severely. We have to take precautions in order to keep you safe." I nod and look down in understanding, but then my head shoots back up with a confused look on my face.

"Wait, did you guys tell anyone we were mates," I ask. Jay and Keaton shake there heads.

"Then if this person is targeting me, how did he even know we were mates? You haven't even told anyone."

Jay and Keaton look at eachother in realization. How am I the only one who thought of this?

I look back over at the woman to see a thinking look on her face.

"Boys, remember when I say there is another?" She asks. They both nod. Wait what? Does she mean another mate?

"This person could be her other mate."

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