Chapter 13

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"You're late, Adam," Sarah called when she heard her husband coming up the stairs, "we're due at your grandparents' in less than twenty minutes! Did you forget?"

Adam began loosening his tie, "I'm here now."

"You'd better get a move on," Sarah replied. When she came out of the bathroom she was surprised to see how nonchalantly Adam was getting dressed, "We'd just barely be there on time if you were dressed already. Get a move on! You know how your grandmother is about punctuality."

"Yeah, yeah. I know," Adam snapped.

"You don't have to get snippy."

"I'm sorry."

"What's going on with you? Ever since we got that letter from your father you've been miserable."

"No I haven't."

"You most certainly have," Sarah insisted, "even before the letter. As a matter of fact, you've been moody ever since Helen told us about your father's taking Laura Kelly in."

"That isn't true. It doesn't make a difference to me what my father does," Adam retorted, "I'm just not eager to see them all again."

"Why not, Adam? That's what I don't understand."

"You know I've never been very close to my father."

Sarah had let Adam get away with non answers for too long on the subject of his family, but his recent behavior was beginning to worry her, so she was determined to get to the bottom of it, "this is more than that. You were at least civil with your father before and as far as I know, nothing has changed on his end. But something definitely has on yours."

"You said we had to go, didn't you?"

"You've even cut Rob out. That's where I'm really stumped. When he was found you cared enough to visit twice, though the second time you only did it to cause trouble... then, suddenly, you started avoiding him. You barely even talk about him, even when Carter and Helen bring him up, you're disinterested."

Adam was just about finished changing now. He collected his shoes and sat to put them on, "there's nothing much to say, is there? Rob's fine. He's been fine for quite some time. I don't know what all the fuss is about."

Sarah suddenly realized that last visit had been what had changed Adam the most, "Rob has been anything but fine, Adam! You saw how he was a few months ago. He was having a terrible time, but you never gave him the time of day. Did you even say one word to him?"

"He was being well looked after by everyone."

"But not you. Rob might have needed you."

"Believe me, he didn't. He's had everyone rallying around him ever since he was hurt and he's been lapping it up," Adam said.

"What a callous thing to say!"

"It's true, isn't it?"

"If you think your brother is using what happened to him for attention I don't think you know him very well at all."

Adam glanced at his watch, "we really should be going."

"Is that really what you think?"

"What else can I think? Rob's never been shy a day in his life, but now, suddenly, he hardly talks, he acts as if he can't handle anything and everyone's right by his side, fussing and worrying over him," Adam retorted, "I used to actually be like that, you know? Nervous in social situations? Do you know what my support was? 'You'll get over it if you do it often enough'. But suddenly Rob acts afraid and it's a family crisis."

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