Ep. 9- Stupid Traditions

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Dick: C'mon, Damian. Give me a smile.

Y/N: He's not going to.

Dick glares at Y/N, who just throws his hands up. Both were wearing party hats to be in the moment. 

Y/N: This happens every year. 

Y/N glances back at Barbra, who's far enough for the three to not hear her. He walks over to her. She glances back at him as she speaks.

Barbra: Are you guys almost here? We told you Noon, its nearly 1 PM.

Y/N looks back at Damian, who's getting impatient. He sighs and looks at Barbra, shrugging.

Y/N: Got 10 bucks he up and leaves before they get here.

Barbra glares at him before continuing on the phone. Y/N looks back at the birthday boy before looking at Barbra.

Y/N: Did they finally secure the you know what?

Barbra: Yup, they're on their way.

Y/N holds his thumb up and walks back toward the table. Barbra signals to Dick that the package was secured.

Damian: Stupid traditions for stupid children.

Damian muttered as he gazed over his vast amounts of gifts. Most were still in their boxes, but a few were unwrapped. Including a rope sent by Selina, as well as a crossbow....ironically bought by Y/N.

Damian: Tcch! This is nowhere near as impressive as the swords mother used to run at me with.

Y/N: 'Seriously?! I thought really hard on that gift....'

The door to the manor opened revealing Bruce, Jason, and Cass. The latter of the three was holding a box.

Bruce: We're back!

The three walked into the living room where the others were. Y/N walked over and gave his girlfriend a hug as he took the box from her.

Jason: Look at him in the suit and tie. Who did this to you? Babs? Parker? 

Damian walks over to his father and looks up at him, a relatively blank expression on his face.

Damian: Whaddya bring me?

Bruce crouched down to face Damian, with the others gathering around him.

Bruce: Happy birthday son. Sorry I'm late. 

Damian: You're always late.

Damian turned his head away from bruce, slightly dejected.

Bruce: Did you have a nice time with Y/N, Barbra, and Dick.

Damian: Yeah it was whatever, Dick wouldn't stop taking photo's. 

Bruce smiled slightly before rubbing the nape of his neck.

Bruce: I, uh, wasn't sure what to get you. But Y/N and Cassandra, they suggested....well.

Y/N walked forward with the box 

Y/N: Me and Cass thought it over, and she went over to the adoption center and--

Y/N smiled as a puppy jumped out of the box and into Bruce's arms

Damian: This is...a puppy?

Bruce: Sure is, and he's all yours.

Damian smiled as he pet the puppy

Damian: Mother never let me have pets....always said attachments to living things made you weak.

Damian set the puppy down and smiled once more

Damian: Sit Murder King! sit!

Y/N and Cass cringed at the name

Y/N: Thats....not....whatever.

Dick soon walked in with a big cake with a numbered candle.

Dick: Who wants cake?

As he placed the cake down, the group began singing to Damian. Who held a grumpy expression.

Damian: I still think this is a stupid tradition for children. 

As the group finished singing, Bruce placed his hand on Damians back. 

Bruce: Happy birthday, buddy.

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