Ep. 11 - The Tournament

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A/N: I'm alive, hence the cover. Sorry for the wait, I have commitment issues. To many ideas. To little time.

Also Spider-Man 2 deserved better, smh.


Barbara: Please raise your right hand.

Barbara sat in her wheelchair in front of the TV. On the couch sat Stephanie, Jason, Tim, Y/N, and Cass, who sat on the spiders lap. The group each rose their right hand.

Barbara: Do you solemnly swear to abide by the outcomes of this tournament under punishment of blackmail and embarrassment?

Each of the members agreed to the terms, all holding serious faces as they did so. Barbara smiled and moved to the side, gesturing to the screen. 

Barbara: Then welcome...to the fifth annual challenge of champions!

The group cheered and pumped their fists. Barbara then took a solemn tone as she closed her eyes in remembrance. 

Barbara: First, we honor Duke and Damian for distracting Bruce and Alfred. Their sacrifice will be remembered.

In the kitchen, Duke and Damian are tied to chairs as Bruce and Alfred help them with their etiquette. Tim slumps as he remembers last year. 

Tim: I had to do that last year, not fun.

Barbara smiles and holds up the TV remote

Barbara: Speaking of last year...

The TV shows Steph wearing a Riddler outfit, with the others surrounding her taking pictures and laughing at her. 

Barbara: Steph wore this lovely outfit for a full month as punishment for losing last years tournament. Better luck next time Steph!

Steph stands and bows as the others clap for her.

Stephanie: I actually think I rocked that bowler hat.

Y/N: Alright enough remembering, whats this years punishment?

Barbara smiles and adjusts her glasses.

Barbara: For our fifth anniversary I wanted something special. 

She grabs the remote and clicks one of the buttons, putting an image on the screen. The image was of one of Dicks early costumes....and not a good one. The discowning suit.

Cass: No!

Jason: You monster.

Stephanie: Anything but that!

Y/N: Seriously? Why? You couldn't find anything else? Nothing? Surely there were other options. Whys the V so deep?

Y/N cringed to himself, cupping his face in his hands. Cass stands from the Y/N's lap , a serious expression on her face.

Cass: How long?

Barbra held up two fingers

Barbra: Two weeks. And no skipping patrol. This years challenge will be settled on the Go Kart course. Everyone grabbed your controllers.

Everyone reached for the controllers, booting up the game. Cass, Tim, Jason, and Steph all got their controllers. Y/N pumped his fist, noticing the flaw in this game.

Y/N: Haha! This is only a four screen game! I'm exempt!

Barbra: Not so fast Spider.

Y/N: Huh?

Barbra: You'll be with Cass, if she losses, you lose.

Y/N threw his hands up, a shocked expression on his face.

Y/N: Well thats not fair at all!

Barbra: Too bad, youre dating. Deal with it.

Y/N: Well what do I have to wear? Theres only one costume-

He was cut off as the screen quickly switched from the start screen to a different picture, one that turned the Spiders face red. The picture? Y/N in his undies and a Spider mask, swinging around New York. This was a while ago when Scorpion poisoned him during the Devils Breath Pandemic. 

Y/N: Hey! Where'd you--

Barbra: If Cass losses this race, she'll wear dicks outfit while you wear this, same amount of time, same rules. 

Y/N glared at the red haired girl

Y/N: You're on!


It was the next day in New York. Miles sat on one of the rooftops, a bagel in hand with his masked rolled up a little. As he took a bite, a figure landed next to him. It was Cassandra in Dicks old Nightwing costume, as she landed, she attempt to hide the cleavage showing from the opening in the costume.

Miles: Game Night?

Cassandra: Game Night. 

Miles: Where's...

Just as Miles said that, another figure landed on the opposite side. Miles turned, he coughed as his eyes locked onto the person. 

Y/N: I don't wanna talk about it.

Y/N stood next to Miles. No pants. No socks. No shoes. No shirt. Nothing. Only Spidey undies and a mask. Miles couldn't stop himself, he fell over laughing, eventually tumbling forward off the roof and laughing as he fell to the far ground.

Y/N sighed and turned to Cass, who was still trying to hide her cleavage.

Y/N: Alright...lets just get these two weeks over with. 

Y/N jumped off the roof, Cass following suit.

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