One; mr wroetoshaw wants little old me's number

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'Pretty brown eyes and a mind full thoughts'


~February 3rd, 2020~

It was six in the morning when the women's blaring alarm went off. She let out a yawn as she rolled on her side to try and turn it off, but as soon as she opened her eyes she was immediately blinded by the sun. She held her hand in front of her eyes as she reached for her camera that was on her nightstand.

"Hola party people," she greeted to the camera with a small smile on her face, her southern accent that mixed well with her Mexican one came off strong. "My alarm just went off," she yawned. She grabbed her phone turning it on to show the camera the time. When her lock screen lit up you could see a picture of her and her tía Darcy when she was ten. "It's six am. I'm so tired and don't want to get up." (Hola= Hello)

She turned her camera so it showed the left side of her bed. Her dog was laying there on his back with his paws in the air and his tongue hanging out. That was his favorite sleeping position. Also her favorite one to see him in. "Shakespeare's still asleep." She spoke in a soft voice, as she gently pet the sleeping dogs head.

She laid in bed for a minute recording herself staring at the ceiling as she depleted if she wanted to get up. She had a stressful week and all she wanted to do was lay in bed. She slightly slapped herself in the face to try and feel more alive, then moved her arms to push her black bonnet more up on her head. Before pulling herself out of bed, groaning along the way. She fixed her oversized sweatshirt she had wore to sleep that had rose up her thigh, before grabbing her glasses from her nightstand.

As soon as she opened the door to her bedroom she let out a laugh when she heard her dog snore loudly making him wake up. He turned off his back, shaking his head when he saw her by the door.

"Come on Shakespeare," she pat her knees making the dog jump off the bed and follow her into the kitchen.

She set her camera down on the small island that separated the kitchen from the living room. She opened the cabinet next the fridge and grabbed her white metal bottle, rinsing it and dropping a few ice cubs in before adding water.

"It's so early," she complained as she ran her brown colored hands down her face. "I'm still so tired," she yawned. "I stayed up late last night trying to edit a vlog for this week." The girl opened her bottle taking a drink before closing it and grabbing her camera as she made her way to her front door.

Lovely- Harry LewisWhere stories live. Discover now