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All characters are 18+.

WhiteRose- Ruby x Weiss

Requested by Flameriser18

Ruby POV~

It's such a beautiful day, so Weiss and I decided to go for a picnic date by the lake. We haven't had time to go on a date for a while, and we both have been pretty stressed lately, so we definitely need this. We're both lying on the blanket, just taking in the scenery when I had a great idea, "Hey, Weiss, what do you say we skinny dip?" she shot up from her position and kinda glared at me. "Are you serious?! we can't do that! what if someone shows up and sees us! I don't want anyone else seeing me naked!" I clasped my hands together and sat up on my knees in a begging position. "pleeasseeeee, Weiss! we don't have to get completely naked, just down to our underwear! No one is going to see us, no one ever comes out here, pleeeaasseee!" She crossed her arms over her chest and said firmly."No. Absolutely not!" I didn't want to have to do this, but she left me no choice. I made the biggest saddest puppy eyes I could and looked directly into her eyes. When she saw what I was doing, she faltered for a second but held firm. "I said no Ruby" I kept pouting "I said...no" I stuck my bottom lip out to make it look more sad "come on...don't do that" now for my trump card, I quivered my lip. "I... said....aghh dammit! Fine, we can skinny dip. " I jumped up off my knees and kissed her on the cheek."Yes! thank you, Weiss!".

We both stripped off, placing our clothes in piles on the picnic blanket, Weiss took way too long folding hers into a neat pile, but once she was done we slowly got into the cold lake water. "Aah, this feels great! Don't you think Weiss?" I look over to Weiss to see her submerged in the water up to her chin. I notice a faint blush on her cheeks, I guess she's embarrassed about being almost naked in public. I was about to ask if she was okay when another great idea popped into my head. I waded over to her, and before she could say anything, I splashed her. She coughed and sputtered and complained about me getting water up her nose. I couldn't help but laugh, but my laughter was quickly quelled by the look I was getting from Weiss. I nervously backed up before trying my best to get away but probably looked like an idiot with my arms flailing everywhere. "Get back here, Ruby! You're not getting away with that!" This is bad. She's catching up with me really quick. When did she get so fast?! oh wait, I'm fast! I activated my semblance and headed straight for the picnic blanket, leaving Weiss in my dust. Well waves. splashes? whatever, the point is I got away. I pulled myself out of the water and ran towards the picnic blanket. I raced towards where I set my clothes but was instead met with an empty picnic blanket, save for the basket we brought. I look everywhere nearby for our clothes but can't find anything. It's not windy, so they couldn't have been blown away! where the hell did they go! I suddenly found myself thrown to the floor with a pissed off Weiss sitting straddle on my hips, panting and out of breath. "*huff* got you! you're going to pay for that!" Oh shit... I did not expect a wet, pissed off, half-naked Weiss to have this much of an effect on me. Dammit Ruby, focus on the fact that your clothes are missing and Weiss is going to be even more pissed and is definitely going to blame you! "Weiss wait! you should know...our clothes are gone. " her eyes widened, and she frantically looked over to the picnic blanket. "What?! Where are they?!" All I could do was shrug and cover my face with my arms so she couldn't Weiss slap me.

She got up and started looking around for our clothes, but I looked around everywhere already. They are nowhere to be found. "Ruby! what the hell happened?! where are our clothes?! did you hide them somewhere?!" I hurriedly explained that they were gone before I got back, and that just made Weiss panic thinking someone is here and saw us. I put my hands on her shoulders and walked her through some breathing techniques to help her calm down, when they didn't really work and she worked herself up even more, I ran and got my cape that I hid in the picnic basket and draped it over her shoulders. She started to calm down and take deep breaths. Once she was fully calm, she thanked me for the cape and asked what we were supposed to do. "Honestly, I don't know. I guess we could call Yang, but she'll never let us live this down. Maybe Blake? or Jaune?" Weiss heaved a heavy sigh and pulled the cape around her tighter. I feel kinda guilty because I basically guilt tripped her into doing this with me. "I'm sorry, Weiss. I shouldn't have made you do this with me. I'll figure something out, I promise. " I was very surprised when Weiss pulled me into a hug. "It's fine. Honestly, I kind of wanted to do it, and I had fun despite you nearly drowning me," I laughed awkwardly at the last part. A slight rustle in the bush caught my attention, and I was suddenly on high alert. I pushed Weiss behind me and slowly made my way towards the bush. I'm not as good as Yang at close combat, but I can still kick some ass. Before I could get a proper look into the bush, a familiar head of yellow hair shot up from the bush and held up her hands in defence. "Yang! what the hell are you doing here?!" I put down my fist that I had fully intended to use to punch out whoever was in the bush, and rested it on my hip and glared at Yang. "I was just passing by on my bike and saw you guys sitting by the lake on your cute little date. but before I could get close enough to say hi, you both started stripping and got in the water, so... I decided to play a little prank on you and took your clothes so you would freak out a little. " I was about to start lecturing Yang about Weiss' anxiety and how she really set it off by doing that, but Weiss beat me to the punch. Literally. She punched Yang square in the nose and sent her flying into a not so nearby tree. Damn, I didn't realise she was that strong. I made a mental note not to fuck with Weiss before running over and checking on Yang. "Yang? are you alive?" she sat up and brought her hand up to her bloody nose "yeah. I definitely deserved that. Good punch by the way" Weiss walked up behind me and glared at Yang before asking where our clothes were. Yang pointed over to a small bush and Weiss made a beeline for it. She pulled our clothes out of the bush and handed me mine before hiding behind a tree to get dressed. I put my clothes on and waited for Weiss to come out from behind the tree. When she did she had a few choice words for Yang before demanding she take us home. We piled on the bike and started our journey. When we arrived home Weiss gave Yang once last smack to the back of the head for good measure that she won't do something like that again.

"We're going to the fanciest restaurant I can find for our next date" She said as she walked away. I sighed because me and fancy restaurants don't go hand in hand, but after all that she deserves it. "That's fair".

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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