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Brixton was abandoned on the side of the street as a baby not many weeks after her birth. She was found and put into the foster system where she was in-and-out of foster homes. All were horrible for her health rather it be her mental health or physical health. As time went by Brixton started to lose hope and accept the reality that she would never be adopted until the age of 9 when she was adopted by The Knightly family.

The Knightly family began to feel like home for Brixton. She started getting out of her shell more and developing hope again for her life, until disaster struck. Whenever Brixton was 14 she heard commission in the house one night, as she walked down stairs she heard screams and multiple footsteps. As she looked down the stairs she witnessed the murder of the people she deemed as parental guardians that helped her life. The only distinction on the people's uniform was the CADMUS logo.

After that night she started living off the street doing what she needed to to get through the years. She built herself physically and mentally making herself stronger. She learned to fight and use weapons through the street. Some people helped her, others not so much.

In her junior year of school she met a freshman named Dean Collins. A quiet, reserved, bullied and nerdy kid. After saving him from being bullied one day she started to form a friendship with the boy. Both opened up over time about their past and the struggles they had gone through in life already. As time progressed they grew a strong bond, both being the first person they came out to.

Brixton then met Leviathan Collins, Dean's father. Dean would let Brixton sleep over at times making his house seem like a second home to her as Levi made her feel welcome always and basically treated her as a second kid. As Levi learned more and more about Brixton he decided to adopt her which Brixton was extremely grateful for and she happily signed the papers as she already felt like part of the family, so why not make it official?

2 years after she graduated she was approached by one Kai Grayson. He gave the offer of a lifetime, getting revenge on CADMUS and Lillian Luthor who runs the organization. She researched the man and all that was available on him on the internet before agreeing. Through Kai she met Natasha. Natasha and Brixton grew to become friends over time gaining eachother's respect bit by bit. They became known as the international group InFerno.

That was 3 years ago. The group has broken down many government and private agencies to find information. They have advanced strongly towards their goal of defeating CADMUS. They get closer and closer each day.

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