The Sides of Life

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The sides of life in Hungarian

Seating Chart ______________

L1-Natasha Brixton Dean Nick r1-Kara Winn Alex John

l2-Kai Levi Isaac Lana Sharon R2-Lena Lex Lillian

The screen starts back up to show Kara in her studio apartment with James Olsen standing beside her as she pops champagne. Her family and friends surround her. "To kara" J'onn says as he puts his champagne in the middle. "No, no, no wait, to family. Love bonds us all" Kara says as everyone starts clinking their glass. "To family" Winn says. Rumbling is heard shaking the studio apartment. "What was that?" Kara asks as the group runs to the window. "Nothing good" Alex says as a meteor-like object is crashing through the sky.

The scene changes to show Supergirl and the Martian Manhunter following behind the object that appears to be a ship. Supergirl and Martian Manhunter fly through blocking and moving anything that stands in the path as the ship lands with a thud. As Martian Manhunter and Supergirl land, confusion is in Supergirl's voice. "That's similar to mine...It's from Krypton." She says observing the pod.

"Just what we need more Kryptonians" Lex says rolling his eyes causing many to glare at the man including his sister.

Supergirl rushes to the escape pod opening the hatch for a male to be inside. "Oh my god" is the last thing heard before the screen goes black.

Martian Manhunter and Supergirl fly on a balcony of a glass building. As the martian lands, its skin shape shifts back into J'onn J'onnz.

Many people look shocked looking from the man in the theater to the man on screen. Dean finally breaks the silence. "Dude, uh that's you! Cool! I mean the green skin and you can shape-shift" Dean says with a light in his eyes as he looks at J'onn he begins to ramble until he gets nudged harshly in the ribs by Brixton who gives him a look. "Right right," Dean says, turning back around.

J'onn just watches the boy in amusement. Kara leans over to J'onn "See being the Martian Manhunter wouldn't be all bad" She says referring to Dean. "My answer is still the same" J'onn says sternly to the girl who sighs out giving up with the man,

"Where are we?" Supergirl asks, looking around. "The Department of Extra normal operations" J'onn says as he leads her inside hearing that she stops. "Wait, wait this has always been here with the glass? And the views?"

Kara whispers "You made me fly to a cave everyday when we had this? And you knew." Kara says looking between Alex and J'onn. "In my defense I was following orders"Alex whispers back pointedly,

She looks around as John leads her further inside. "The DEO has several facilities Kara" John points out. "A bat bit me in the last one" She says defensively.

"Supergirl is you? You are supergirl?" Lana asks. "You look so sweet and cute and Supergirl is so..."Lana trails off. "hot?" Isaac finishes off with a smirk on his face towards Lana who is now blushing while nodding. Kara is blushing in her seat as well sinking into it trying to hide herself.

"Whiner" J'onn says as they approach Alex. "Hey sis " ALex says as Kara looks at her in disbelief. "You knew about this place too?!" She says as they lean against the console. "Yeah it's like a block from my apartment, it's like the old place, maybe a little better" Alex says shrugging as Kara looks at her bewildered.

"A little better? It has sunlight and actual technology. I could smell how moist that cave was. It was like I could actually get allergies'' Kara says as she looks between the two agents. "Oh suck it up it wasn't that bad" Alex says rolling her eyes as she pushes the girls shoulder.

[Hiatus!]Rise. Fall. Rage. Faith. wtsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن