The Arrivals

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Brixton, Kai, and Natasha are at the base preparing of a heist. As they start to change a portal opens, sucking the three in similar to a black hole causing them to grab onto each other to not separate. The portal then closes with the three inside.

The portal opens again at the DEO as Kara, who is in her civilian clothes, Agent Danvers, Agent Schott and J'onn are around the table talking over plans for a training session to occur. It sucks the four into it using the same gravity as earlier. The four have no time to react as it closes with them inside of it.

Lena Luthor is inside her lab as she is doing research on an invention. She suddenly hears an ear ringing sound as she turns around and a portal opens pulling her into it before quickly closing itself.

The Collins sit at a restaurant getting lunch with each other enjoying some father-son bonding time whenever a small unnoticeable table opens up under the two's feet sucking them into it before quickly closing.

All the portals open up at once dropping all of the occupants inside them onto a hard carpeted floor with a thud. Many let out a groan at the drop, grabbing onto different parts of their bodies that got hurt in the drop. As everyone hears lots more voices they all become startled getting off the floor as quickly as possible.

As they take in their surroundings they see their in a home theater room with many unfamiliar people making them all on guard as those with weapons reach for them quickly pointing them to the others. This includes; Brixton, Kai, Natasha, Alex, Levi, and Dean who are all pointing at those they don't know all glaring at each other fingers on the trigger.

"Woah, woah, Alright, I'm gonna ask this one time, where are we?" Alex says looking at the people accusingly.

"I'll do you one better, who are you?" Brixton says cockily with a smirk, her head tilted.

"I'll do you one better, why are we here?" Dean says, causing everyone to look at him stupidly in which he shrugs his shoulders with a sheepish smile on his face.

"Alright, someone better start telling me where we are, or I'ma shoot this freak." Alex says pointing the gun at Dean who tries to move behind Brixton before being grabbed into a chokehold by Alex with the gun at his temple. This causes Brixton to rush forward and grab Winn putting him in the same position.

"Let's do it! You shoot my guy and I'll blast him!" Brixton says undoing the safety of her light powered pistol, a creation she made herself.

"Do it Alex, I can take it" Winn says trying to act tough causing everyone to look at him stupidly even Alex who rolls her eyes at the boy. "Alright, is he just stupid or something?" Brixton asks, looking at the others who just sigh while shaking their heads.

"Oh yeah, you don't wanna tell me where we are, I'll just kill you all except you and beat it out of you myself." Alex says pushing the gun deeper into his skull as she gestures to Brixton.

"Alright, let me ask you this one time. What master do you serve?" Kai says butting in.

"What master do we serve? What am I supposed to say Jesus" Lena says sarcastically. "Nobody asked you Luthor" Natasha says getting defensive, starting to walk up to the brunette before Brixton pulls her back shaking her head in a 'no' motion.

"We're from National City." Levi says. "Ok so then what are you hassling us for '' Kara says making everyone now grow even more confused.

"Wait so you didn't bring us here?" Dean says as he looks at the redhead. "Bring you here, no" Alex says as she pushes the boy back towards Brixton and the group. "Wait who are you?" J'onn says finally cutting in.

"Citizens." Brixton says even more confused as she looks at everyone she does know.

"I am Gideon. You have all been brought here to react to your future." Gideon says as she shows herself to be a blue floating A.I head, making many shocked. "Please take your seats and introduce yourselves and your occupation" The head says causing everyone to walk to the seats all sitting with those they know.

"Brixton Knightly, bar owner"

"Kai Grayson, National City Police"

"Natasha Belova, National City Police"

"Dean Collins, college student"

"Leviathan Collins, everyone calls me Levi, Auto Mechanic"

"Isaac Reyes, bouncer at bar"

"Nick Wilson, bouncer at bar"

"Lana Wilson, bartender"

"Sharon Kline. bartender"

"Lena Luthor, owner of L-Corp" This causes many to look at mainly distastefully to which she asks as if she doesn't notice.

"Lilllian Luthor"

"Lex Luthor"

"Winn Schott, Catco Worker"

"Kara Danvers, Catco Worker"

"Alex Danvers, FBI"

"John Jones, FBI"

"Now that everyone's been introduced may you please turn your attention to the screen infront of you" Gideon says as the screen starts flashing white gaining everyone's attention.


Seating Chart:

Natasha Brixton Dean Nick

Kara Winn Alex John

Kai Levi Isaac

Lena Lex Lillian

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