Chapter 1 : Accepted

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Hazels pov

I just woke up after my mom screamed my name like 1000 times.

What can i say i like sleeping. I am now walking down the stairs for some breakfast. I was thinking some cereal.

After dancing almost all day yesterday i deserved that.

I was peacefully eating my cereal until i heard my mom scream my name. "Im already downstairs mom!" I screamed hard enough for her too hear.

"I know, but your letters from the schools are here!" She screamed full of excitment.

I ran to the door. Not gonna lie i was maybe a tiny bit scared. Only a tiny bit.

I saw my mom standing there with 5 letters in her hand. 5 letters, i applied to 5 schools that means all the letters are delivered. I hope i am at least accepted to one of them.

Deep in heart i hope i am accepted to Step up. It is this dance academy for all sorts of dancers. Streetdance, modern, ballet. It was the dream of every dancer.

Ballet is my dancestyle. A lot of people dont think it is fitting for me.

Only because i am not a girly girl. I even did boxing for a while and ballet at the same time.

People thought i was wierd. I didnt care but i did quit boxing because i wanted to totally focus on ballet. I started doing ballet at the age of 6 and here i am still doing it at 18.

But back to the letters. I wanted to open the letter with Step up written on it with big golden letters last. So i decided to open Swans The Academy. I read the first sentence out loud :

"Congratulations Miss Gray, you got accepted to our school." My mom was already jumping in joy. I happily joined in. I was happy that i can go to a dance school. I was too excited to read the rest of the letter. So i moved on to the next.

Ballet For Life i must say i think it is a fking dumb name but whatever.

I open the to find another "Congratulations Miss Gray you got accepted!" Now i get to choose which school to go to.

As fast as i can i opened a new one from Triple Turn again not the best name but it wasnt as bad as Ballet For Life.

So back to the letter i read out loud once again "Congratulations for getting into Triple Turn." Did i mention my mom was crying at this point?

But onto the 4th letter and my second choice school. Chic Ballet. Silver letters shining in the sun. I got accepted.

I should have been happier but i was already way to focused on the last letter.

Step up. I gave the letter to my mom. And said that she should read it. At first she refused but in the end she agreed. She opened the letter very slowly. I could see she was scared for me. She read out loud and very fast "Congratulations Miss Gray you are accepted!" At the end of her sentence she started screaming. And so did i.

I applied to 5 schools and got accepted to 5. I must be talented. Like i didnt knew that already.

"Your going to the same school as your brother!"

Oh yeah forgot to tell you my brother does the streetdance program in Step up. I am neither happy or mad about it.

Like love him but siblings can be fucking annoying.

Then it hit me. My brother wasnt the only one i knew was going there. Also Leo.

Ughhh. I was so happy that i didnt have to see him anymore because he got into college. I had not seen him for over a year and i was very happy about it.

You know when you really hate someone that you want to kill every second. Well for me that person is Leo.

It is even worse when that person is your brothers bestfriend and came to your house everyday.

It was pure torture.

Ofcourse the person that happens to be in the ballet program is Leo.

But according to my brothers he is older then me and in a higher class.

So i wont see him right? RIGHT???

Mom was away to the bakery for a cake to celebrate. She probably would buy me a "You will pass next time" cake if i didnt get into any school.

That is the kind of person my mom is. Always sweet and kind. I loved her with my whole heart. I found it hard to leave her behind.

Then i heard my phone. Someone was calling. I look at my phone and see that it was my brother. He was probably gonna ask if i got my letters already. I picked up.

"Hey little sis, got your letters?" See it is the first he asks about. I tried really hard to igore the lil sis comment because i had a plan.

In my most disapointed voice i spoke "Yeah i got them." There was a pause like he was deciding what to say next.

"Its okay you can try next time if it didnt work out." A grin creeped on my face. "Congratulations you bitch! Mom texted me already." And there goes my plan.

"Which school?" Like he didnt knew i dreamt of going to Step up.

"You stupid?" He really is if i am being honest.

"No just trying to sound interested in my sisters college life."

"Before you insult me more, you know Lucas is going here right?" Oh fck. Lucas is my ex.

Lets just say i catched him cheating. So i kinda punched him and didnt stop until he needed stitches to fix his face. The boxing lessons finally paid off.

"If your just silent im just gonna hang up." Oh my brother "Yeah Jack i know he is there but i dont care. I am more annoyed that an asshole friend of yours is going to be in the same building as me ." He let out a chickie

We finished our conversion and hang up.

My mom and i ate the cake not completely but a big piece. I realised that i need to pack my bags because i was already leaving in 2 days.

But i just realised the fact that i am going to be in a school with my ex, Leo and my brother. This is a bad idea. Why does these things always happen to me?


Author's note

This is the first chapter of my book what do you think? I know that it is a pretty short chapter but i still hope you enjoyed it. New chapter i think is coming soon!<3 XXX thatbl0ndwrit3rr

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