Chapter 4 : Change

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Hazels pov

There i stood eye in eye with Lucas.


My anger flooded through my body like a river. More like a river made of fire.

Just dont hit him. Do not hit him. Hazel do not hit the guy.

The last thing i needed is to see him here. His face. The expression on his stupid face.

The stitches on his face were completely healed.

I wanted to change that right away. No Hazel.

Cool, calm, collective we dont wanna get expelled.

He never deserved me. Cheating ass.

I walked out of there as quicky as i can. Well more like i ran.

I heard the door open behind me. Grace. Thank god. She walked to my direction. A what-the-fuck expression on her face.

"What was that? My class i not that scary." I thought about what i should say. "You know my ex Lucas, right?" Just his name makes me want to puke.

I thought seeing him would not effect me. I thought i was over that cheating incident. But i guess not.

"That Lucas?" She pointed to her classroom door that was closed. Thankfully. "Yeah."

"Oh fuck." Then the shock on her face turned into confusing gaze. "But what are you doing here anyway? Not to meet him i assume"

Oh the directors office. I really need to get into that office.

I start "I kinda hoped you knew where i can find the directors office."

She gave me a look.

"Why do you need to go to the directors office?" She asks.

Mmm maybe cause i pulled Hannahs hair and some snitch told the director abou- wait did Hannah snitch?

That little bitch.

"Hellooo Hazel. Hazel?" Grace snaps me out of my thoughs. "I dont know but what i do know is that i am already an hour late."

She took my hand. "Well then we better be fast."

There we are standing in front of the directors office. The door was closed. On the door was a small golden plate with 'Mr East' written on it.

Grace and i looked at eachother waiting for one of us to knock on the door. Then i knocked it was me that needed to be in here after all.

A 'come in' was spoken on the other side of the door. I put my hand on the doorknob. A few seconds later i opened the door.

The director that goes by the name Mr. East looked up at me. "Hello Mr. East, i was asked here?" I said looking him right in the eye.

"Well, well, well you decided to show up after an hour." Yeah i saw that one coming. 

"I got lost. My friend helped me find it." Grace popped her head through the slightly ajar door and then quickly disappeared again.

" Well because you are finally here i am gonna call your ballet teacher to come in."

My ballet teacher? Where the hell is this going?

After sitting in a few minutes of awkward silence my teacher walks in. "Hello Mr. East and Hazel." She says in a polite tone.

Then Mr. East starts "Well Hazel after your performance in your danceclass yesterday Miss Rivers came to my office. She told me that you are on a higher level then the rest of her class. And we took a good look at your past performances. We decided to move you up a class if you are willing to do that ofcourse. We will give you till tomorrow to think about this."

What the fuck and tomorrow one day to decide you kidding?

Like i am feeling alot of emotions right now. Suprise, happiness, pride, confusion.

Deep down i know what i want. Moving up. This is a chance and I must take it.

Without thinking to much i say "I would love to move up."

This is the same girl that was complaining about the fact she had only one day to decide.

"Are you sure you dont want to think about it for a day? It will be though. We gave you this chance because we think that you are very talented. But that does not mean that you dont need to work hard and give it your all."

"I will work hard and give it all of me so no i dont need another day."

"Okay if you really dont need think it over then tomorrow you can pick up your new schedule in Miss Rivers office."

I said my goodbyes and walked through the wooden door.

When i step outside i see Grace standing infront of me. But i dont say anything. It feels like i just realised that i being place a class higher.

"And what did he want?" She looks very eager to know.

After spending a few days with her i can confirm that she is curious person.

"I- i am moving a up a class." My tone sounded more and more happy throughout the sentence i just spoke.

"What- how- thats frickin great!"

Oh i know Grace.

"Maybe you will even be in Madds class. Lucky bastard."

Fuck yea i really hope im in her class that makes at least one person that i know in my new class.


Today is the last day in this ballet class.

Although i am being placed in a class higher im still in these classes cause i cant fall behind. Not that that is the case.

Not to be rude or sum but these classes are so easy it is just boring.

But after today a challenge will come my way and i cant wait.

After the classes are over i walked to Miss Rivers office. This time i asked Madison where the office was before i was late again.

I knocked on the door and walked into the room. Miss Rivers looking at me.

"Hello Miss Gray, i assume you are here to pick up your new schedule?" She asked.

"You are right i am here to pick up my new schedule, Miss Rivers." I tried to sound as polite as possible. I believe i actually did a great job this time.

She handed me a few papers. The first one being the actual schedule and while i was wondering what could be on the other papers i realised i was standing here too long.

I walked in the direction of the door and just as i was about to say goodbye Miss Rivers interupted me.

"Miss Grace before you go i want you to tell you that you are very talented and anyone that tells you otherwise is lying. I want you to really try your best in this class because i think you would make a wonderful ballerina."

Well that was random and sweet i guess?


Author's note

I know im a week late but i was so fricking busy with school and things around it i had barely time to write but still hope this was an ok chapter. What do you think so far? XXX thatbl0ndwrit3rr

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