Chapter 6 : The annunciation

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Hazels pov

It is monday. I am on my way to ballet class. Still walking through these halls feels like a dream.

I have ignored and avoided Leo. I dont want to get distracted. Although thats hard when the person that annoys the shit out of you is in the same class as you.

I did some stretches. My eyes landed on a blue eyed jerk walking in. His eyes found mine a sharp glace crossing his eyes.

I ripped my eyes off him when i heard Miss Wallet walking in.

Putting her stuff down she askes for silence.

Within 3 seconds the whole class was silent. All the laugher and talking gone.

She cleared her throat and spoke up.

"Last practice i already annouced today there was gonna be an important annunciation."

I have been brainstorming alot. My guess is something that has to do with a performance.

I hope im right cause im dying to stand on stage.

Being on stage gives you that extra push. You feel as powerful as a fire surrounded by fuel. People look up at the big stage you are standing on.  Watching every move you make. I feel it in my vines. As if the dance is now part of my body.

Thats why i like being on stage.

Miss Wallet's voice shook me from my thoughts.

"In the up coming months were gonna be working on a ballet performance. I will not be telling which piece. Simply because we are still discussing it. What we do know is we have two leading roles. One boy and one girl. They will not be working together. So two solists. The rest will be supporting roles. Tomorrow more information on this subject."


Miss Wallet needed to get some papers so she left.

Because Hannah can never shut up she basically screamed "How is this even a question it has to be me and my baby."

Leo confidently nodded in agreement before kissing her cheek.

I gagged.

What a fucking gross sight. It hurts my eyes.

"Hey Hannah, what if you and your baby jump off a fucking building and maybe your delusional brain will even make up a pink unicorn to save you."

I throw at them. Someone needed to put them in their place.

I hear some snickering echoing through the room.

"Oh fuck you Raven."

"Sorry i rather kill myself before letting that happen. "

"You think youre that much better?"

"Says the narcissist dickhead. And better than you? Easily."

I hear loud laughter coming from the door. I turn my head towards the door to see Nick. My brother standing next to him with an annoyed look.

My brother always got annoyed when Leo and i were bickering. But i didnt care. Someone needed to turn his ego down.

"Tell that your friend of yours and his girlfriend to keep there mouths shut." I tell my brother.

"Cant you guys just not fight for a second."

At that moment Miss Wallet walked up from behind Nick and Jack.

"Can i help you, Gentlemen?" She asked as she walked past the two.

"Yeah i am here to bring some of the music." Nick answered.


The girls and i decided head into town. We decided that like 3 minutes ago.

I grabbed my coat from the coat rack.

We wanted to go as quickly as possible because it was already quite late.  Madi would be waiting for us at the stairs. 

Were finally in the city. It is very different from the village where I grew up. 

We walked into some shops and we were just chatting. 

Then suddenly Grace started talking about the opening party. It is a celebration to open the year. Normally it was earlier in the year, but there was some discussion about where the party should be held.

It was this weekend. I know Grace is going. She already has the address.

I know Grace is going to try to persuade me. Emphasis on trying. I love to party, but because of ballet I cant drink much. Especially now that auditions are probably coming up and partying without alcohol is difficult. Its not that I cant hold back. I just dont want to.

After a while Grace and Madi got me convinced. Madi also goes without drinking. So then I can do it too, right?

After shopping we decide: We'll go, but we won't drink too much.

"Guys, I'm warning you that I may not keep my promise." I have a strong suspicion that Grace will be drunk after the party, but we'll see.


I have ballet class again in an hour.  Which means I'll probably be very frustrated again at the end of the lesson. Not by anyone specific.  Certainly not by a jerk with brown hair and blue eyes.

While I am doing my warm up. I see him walking in out of the corner of my eye. Hannah not by his side.

He puts his bag down on the spot next to me. Ofcourse, why try to avoid eachother?

"Cant you find another spot?"

"No you can find one tho, i wouldnt mind. "

"Oh hell no, this is my spot."

"Didnt say it wasnt."

"Ugh your annoying."

"Tell me something i dont already know."

I roll my eyes.

I try to focus on my warm up and ignore the guy standing next to me. But his loud ass music he suddenly decided to put on didn't help. Just as I was about to tell him to turn off his fucking music Miss Wallet came in.

"Mr Dawson, you can't play the music here, you know that." She put her things down.

I laughed out loud when Leo put his box in his bag. 

"Is something funny, Raven?" 

"Oh lots of things but dont feel like talking about them with you."

He let out a low chuckle.

"Everyone please pay attention."

When everyone was quiet, she explained that auditions were being held for the performance. After auditions, the roles would hang in the canteen. After this she would give more clarity about the piece. In the audition you must choose one of the 3 dances and perform it as best as possible.  These dances were sent by email. The auditions are next week.

Quite soon. With the party, very soon. But i am not gonna bail now. I promised Madison and Grace.

Party, audition here i come.


Author's note

I know i know it has been a while. A very short and bad written chapter. But i wanted to deliver you guys something. Besides that are we excited about the auditions? Also thank you guys for all the reads, votes and followers i appreciate it<33 XXX thatbl0ndwrit3rr

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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