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I woke up in cold sweat in the middle of the night, remembering that I had forgotten to feed the lizard.

I knew it probably wouldn't die surviving a single day without munching on worms, but, god, did I feel awful.

I got up exactly at 3:33 a.m.

Which was kinda scary...

I tried to turn on the lights, only to realize that I had broken the brightest one yesterday. I had to use the bedside lamp as a source of light, which actually looked like a demon's face when you switched it on.

I blindly grabbed a pair of shorts and slipped them on because I had to move houses to feed the lizard and didn't want to go out half naked.

I turned on every single light when I got out of the bedroom to at least have some comfort. But there's nothing comforting about having to watch a lizard obliterate a plate full of wiggly worms at 3:33 a.m.

Going outside, I felt like every breathing creature was staring at me. There were frogs with eyes that lit up under the light of my phone. There were crows. There were literal raccoons looking at me from across the street. And crickets too, making that annoying noise as if they had nothing better to do with their lives.

Says the girl who woke up in the middle of the night to feed a lizard.

As I walked down the street, I made sure to put on a little show for the frogs, hoping to dissuade them from seeing me as a meal. Watching them move their resonators in response boosted my confidence considerably. That probably meant they liked me, right?

But I wasn't ready for what happened next. As I opened the door, pointed my flashlight at the wall to find the light switch, I suddenly found myself face-to-face with a humongous spider staring at me with more than two shining eyes.

I screamed. And dropped my phone. It didn't crack, but my heart did.

When I finally reached the light switch, my hands were trembling, fearing I might accidentally touch the monster on the wall. Their house had much less decor and furniture compared to ours, making it feel bigger. My footsteps were echoing with each step. No wonder why Nick and George don't like to spend time in here.

The emptiness inside made me constantly feel like there was someone behind me. So, as I climbed the stairs with the container of mealworms in hand, I couldn't resist the urge to keep glancing back. It was all leading up to facing the ultimate challenge: Lizzy the lizard, the final boss.

I was already scared of it to begin with. I don't know what possessed me to do this in the middle of the night when I had already been close to shitting myself several times. This whole thing definitely wasn't a good idea.

Despite my consciousness, I still entered the room where its enclosure was located. I made an effort to avoid making eye contact as I opened the container of mealworms and used the tongs to extract some, all while my heart raced like crazy.

I probably shouldn't have done it right in front of the glass walls of its enclosure, especially considering it was likely hungry. As soon as it caught sight of the worms, it began licking the glass eagerly with its disgusting, sticky tongue.

I felt sick. I genuinely felt like throwing up. I'm not sure if it was the lizard or the wiggling worms, but my stomach was twisting violently.

I gagged a few times trying to get a few worms inside of the enclosure and called it a day, quickly closing the container and heading back home with literal tears in my eyes from how close I was to throwing up.

For some reason, going back home was even scarier. I kept looking back, jumping at every sound, and tried to convince myself that I'd feel safe once I reached our house.

The moment I stepped inside and locked the door, Patches gave me a heart attack with a demonic meow. The strangest thing was that she's typically quiet and gentle with her sounds.

I've been friends with Nick long enough to be convinced that those were probably the 3 a.m. demons possessing her.

"Shh, it's okay." I closed the door, blindly palpating the wall to find the light switch, while Patches' eyes were shining red under my flash.

And then she went crazy from the light.

She jumped on the walls, shelves, tables, and every other surface she could find. She knocked too many things down for me to keep track of, and I couldn't even be mad at her cause it was my fault. I neglected her the whole day cause I didn't want her to step a paw into the mess I created in the bedroom and hurt herself. And then I shined the light into her face in the middle of the night.

Standing there motionless, I was waiting for her to calm down. Well, it happened eventually. But to put it simple, I got a shit ton of stuff to clean up tomorrow.

I gave her some treats and an apology, and she accepted both happily. Then she climbed onto my arms, and I took her to bed with me, too scared to sleep alone.

Well, I thought I was gonna sleep. My ankles started itching really bad. I was getting eaten alive by mosquitoes.

At around 4 a.m., I decided to text Clay cause I realized it's not that early in Paris and he might actually be awake.

Lizzy: you up?

I waited and waited, but got a different notification from what I was hoping for.

St. Nicholas✝️: he's asleep

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that he was getting plenty of sleep, but I couldn't believe he went to sleep at 10 p.m. and was still asleep at 10 a.m.

Usually, if he goes to sleep early, he wakes up in the middle of the night.

Lizzy: how?

St. Nicholas✝️: wdym how💀

St. Nicholas✝️: he closed his eyes at night and hasn't opened them yet

Lizzy: I mean why's he sleeping for so long?

St. Nicholas✝️: cuz he has no one to fuck all night thats why

St. Nicholas✝️: why arent you asleep tho

Lizzy: cuz mosquitoes have taken Clay's place

St. Nicholas✝️: wdym

Lizzy: they've been fucking me all night😍

St. Nicholas✝️: cant believe you chose those fuckers over me to cheat on Clay😮‍💨

I sighed so hard that Patches woke up thinking there was a hurricane.

Lizzy: idek what to say to that

St. Nicholas✝️: 🧎‍♂️✨️🦟

Lizzy: goodnight nick

St. Nicholas✝️: bzzzzzz

Lizzy: 💤

St. Nicholas✝️: unrelated

St. Nicholas✝️: but I used your soaps and drops and shit yesterday to shower

St. Nicholas✝️: and my balls are less wrinkly???

St. Nicholas✝️: is that normal?

I just...

Lizzy: what is wrong with you.

St. Nicholas✝️: dude they so smooth its kinda nice to play w them

St. Nicholas✝️: wanna see?

I forced myself to sleep right then and there.

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