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I drove to the nearby vet clinic, the same place where Patches usually receives her vaccinations. Hoping they could also treat monsters, I brought the dragon inside.

Luckily, they did. The veterinarian assigned to examine this thing was a young woman, and I felt so bad when she got hissed at and had a close call with being bitten while attempting to just remove it from the cage.

"Calm down, chubby little guy," she laughed.

"It's a guy?" As I asked, she lifted its tail up and checked something before nodding in confirmation.

"I'm pretty sure it's a male. See these little bumps?" She tried to show me something under its tail but I was so scared to go close that I barely looked, "Those are the hemipenes, only male beardies have them."

Nick is going to love this so much. Turns out daddy's good girl is neither of those two things. It's daddy's bad boy from now on.

I was waiting anxiously as the vet was examining its face and asking me questions about how it happened, when it happened, why it happened. The demon was hissing at the poor lady and bobbing its head ferociously the whole time. But luckily, the eye was intact, and the blood was from the scratch around it.

"I actually don't think your cat scratched him," she started checking its claws, and removed something from them with tweezers. "It looks like he scratched himself trying to remove the shedding skin."

It actually made way more sense. I knew my little angel baby wouldn't even go near this thing, let alone scratch it. Awh, and she was so scared of it she asked me to hold her and I blamed her for nothing.

"Oh.. I wasn't in the room when it happened, so I just assumed," I nodded, "but that makes more sense, my cat is the sweetest little thing."

"Beardies can also be gentle," she smiled, cleaning up the wound, "it's just mating season, which is making him a bit more aggressive."

Fantastic. As if I could handle it before, now it's gonna be more aggressive and try to fuck everything.

"Is that why he bit me today?" I showed her the nasty bite on my thumb and she winced at it.

"Could be. Or maybe he had a close encounter with your cat and felt threatened," she grabbed fresh pair of tweezers with an alcohol soaked cotton ball and cleaned my finger too.

I just got treated by a vet.

"But I recommend you change his diet to more fruits and veggies. He's a bit chubby," she warned, giggling.

"I'm not the real owner, but I'll make sure to let my friend know," I knew that Nick was overfeeding the creature with too many worms, but I also understood because I've seen how picky it gets when offered veggies.

I'd be worried it might gobble me up while I'm asleep and then feed it all the worms.

After she put a little patch above its eye, we were ready to go.

The drive back was actually quite smooth. But then came the worst part. I had to park Nick's car in the garage, right next to Clay's. Problem was, I couldn't seem to find the right angle to navigate the car through the garage entrance, let alone park it next to another vehicle.

Leaving it outside wasn't a viable option either, as the crazy Floridian wildlife could easily scratch it up overnight.

I spent a careful 15 minutes trying. Then, I grew tired of being overly cautious and decided to take a risk. I pushed the pedal and entered the garage, successfully. I thought the hardest part was done, but it wasn't.

While trying to back the car up for a better alignment, I heard a grating sound - the noise of the two cars brushing against each other.

"Oh fuck," I mumbled under my breath, and tried to fix the problem. Only to make it worse. "It's all your fault, I hope you know that." Before getting out of the car, I made sure to blame the lizard for no reason at all.

I was scared to look. And I didn't have to, cause the damage on Nick's car was looking at me.

Oddly enough, Clay's car didn't seem to have suffered as much. Sure, there was a barely noticeable scratch on it, but it paled in comparison to the chipped paint on Nick's car.

He's gonna kill me. First his lizard and now his car.

It's okay, I'll find a way.

I'll use some nail polish to cover it up later.

And I'll apply a matte top coat too, since his car is matte black..

He won't even notice.


I grabbed the cage and went over to their house to put this thing back in its enclosure. It tried to bite me again, but embarrassingly missed this time. Pathetic.

Before bringing Patches back home, I went to assess the situation. The air still carried the scent of chemicals. I might have taken the chance to spend the night here if I were alone, but I wouldn't take that risk with my sweet little Patches.

So, I gathered all the things I needed for the night and made my way to the other house, only to see that the massive spider was still clinging to the wall.

The first thing I did to make myself feel like home was spraying that creature with Nick's deodorant.

And when I was sure it's dried up and lifeless, I decided to leave it on the wall as decoration. This house needed something to spice up the interior anyway.

I fed Patches and chopped some veggies for the obese horny monster. And as midnight approached, I found myself facing a significant choice: should I sleep in George's room or Nick's?

I guess I'll investigate and decide.

I went over to Nick's room first. The first thing I noticed were the socks on the floor. And all I could do was pray that those were just worn socks and there weren't any liquid surprises inside.

The bed was nicely made though, and I noticed how good the background behind his PC looked because it's what his camera captured during his streams.

The room strongly smelled of his cologne which used to give me a headache, but I'd grown so used to the smell that it didn't bother me anymore.

I went to George's room next. The bed wasn't perfectly made, but it looked decent. His clothes were stacked on the chair, and I couldn't tell if they were worn or just washed, since his clothes were always wrinkled.

The room had a pleasant scent, something close to a fresh and citrusy aroma. I tried to trace the source of the fragrance and discovered scented candles placed on his desk. How fancy of him.

I was sold after that.

After changing into an oversized shirt, I brought Patches into the room. I figured I'd take off my makeup tomorrow, considering I didn't have any products here and I was too lazy to make the trip back.

I hope George won't mind finding makeup on his pillowcase.

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