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I was too hungover to process a thing he was saying, so I took a moment to digest his words. Clay waited patiently as I stood there and tried to make sense of this whole mess. I could see that he was shifting restlessly, clearly wanting to say more, but waiting for my response.

"And how did you figure that out?" I finally asked.

At first he shrugged it off, making it clear that telling me the details wasn't something that was present in his plans. But I raised an eyebrow at him and threw a judgemental look, which made him clear his throat and speak.

"The police looked through the security footage and found more clues, and I had other sources... Well, it's a lot to process. I've been very busy these past few days. But all that matters is that it's over now."

His answer didn't give me anything. Other than the fact that he'd been in touch with his ex this whole time and didn't want to emphasize that information in his answer. And even though I understood that, my mind was too occupied on the fact that Derrick tried to drug me for me to care about his stupid ex.

I sighed. I really could not bother to acknowledge the fact that he had gone behind my back this whole time. None of it mattered anymore. If I were to bring it up, we'd fight for hours. This whole situation was an endless loop of pointing fingers and fighting.

"Well, I hope now you can sleep better at night," I shrugged, knowing my words were somewhat ignorant, considering a major reason he did all this was for my safety. But I couldn't push away the anger and feeling of betrayal, and I knew that his own possessiveness played a role.

"Sleep better, huh?" He chuckled. "I can't sleep when you're not next to me."

I blinked blankly. His response caught me off guard. I opened my mouth, closed it back up, and only then recovered.

"That's such a sappy thing to say. It's only been 2 or 3 days." I rolled my eyes.

Clay couldn't help but crack a small smile at my response. He knew I was trying to hide the fact that his words had softened me, but I could tell he was glad it was working.

"I can't help it," he said, shrugging. "It feels a lot longer. I miss you."

"What exactly do you miss? Fighting over the same issue twice a week every week?"

Clay's smile faded as I brought it up. We had an ongoing pattern of arguing and rehashing the same topics, and he knew it. He knew it was true and couldn't deny it.

But at least he could stay silent about it instead of fueling my anger.

"Maybe if you stopped picking fights all the time..."

"Don't even try to put the blame on me." I cut him off.

"But you're just as guilty as I am," he replied. "It takes two people to argue, you know."

"We argue because you do something dumb and reckless, not because I want to pick fights." I crossed my arms.

Clay ran a hand through his hair, exhaustion evident in his expression.

"That's a pretty one-sided view of things. You refuse to listen to me and always think you know better. If things went your way, you'd have a creep obsessing over you right now and you wouldn't even know about it."

"I'd rather have that than you lying to me repeatedly, texting your ex and telling me that I'm overreacting."

I didn't even care at this point that I was repeating the same thing over and over again. But he did. He cared. And he used it against me.

"Oh, back to that point again?" He laughed sarcastically, "I'd do it again if it meant keeping you safe. I did what had to be done, I don't regret doing it, I'm not gonna apologize for it, you were wrong and just wouldn't listen to me, and yes, you were fucking overreacting."

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