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I woke up to the sight of two faces hovering over mine.

Puckering my lips, I tried to lean closer and kiss both of them, but my face was swollen, and it hurt to move.

"You good?" I recognized Nick's voice, but my vision was still blurry.

"Good, you?" My face was numb and stuffed with cotton balls.

"He's high," George made his voice low as if I wasn't gonna hear it.

It was a wisdom tooth removal surgery, not an ear canal removal.

Bro didn't know I still had my eagle hearing.

"Officer, I'm not," I shook my head, the pain distracting me from the fact that I was about to get arrested.

"Should we call Lizzy?" Nick probably wanted me to talk to my wife before they'd send me to jail.

"Tell her I love her," even though I sounded like a woolly mammoth, I still got my point across, "please take care of my kids, George. Tell them daddy loves them."

They seemed so disappointed, looking at each other. That wasn't the reaction I expected after pouring my heart out.

"No, she'll freak out," George spoke to Nick. But I forgot the context of what they were talking about: "Poor girl hasn't had a break since he crashed his car into a lamppost."

I wonder which idiot crashed their car into a lamppost. There were actually people being that dumb and not going to jail, and I'm being arrested over being high?

And what was the purpose of this stupid machine playing this stupid song?

"Can you turn that shit off? They play anything on the radio these days," I was getting annoyed by the repetitive beeping sound they called a song.

"Is he talking about the heart rate monitor?" Nick looked over at George, and he nodded. Then they started laughing. I still had no context.

I just miss my wife and kids. I forgot how many of them I had, but I missed each and every single one.

"Can we go home?" I knew I was just getting arrested, but my heart was aching to see my family.

"They're discharging you in three hours." George explained.

I'm only serving 3 hours?

"Dude, the song is so bad!" I was going insane at the beeping melody. It didn't even come with any lyrics.

"Do you want to get rid of it?" Finally, Nick was ready to do me a favor.

"Yes, please."

"Alright, try holding your breath for a moment. Don't breathe until I tell you to," he suggested. I followed his advice, but George got mad at both of us and forced me to breathe.

Maybe he wrote this song, and we were being rude.

"Dude, we're so lucky Lizzy went to sleep late," Nick was likely referring to my wife, "just imagine if she called us right now, we'd be gone."

I glanced at my left hand, and my ring finger was bare. Furrowing my brows, I brought my hand closer to my face for a closer look. It's gone.

"Where's my ring?" I asked, concerned that I got robbed.

"It's right there," George pointed at my index finger, "and the other one is on your other hand."

I examined my other hand and noticed a ring on my middle finger. These weren't the ones I was talking about.

"I mean my wedding ring?" I attempted to sit up, but Nick placed his hand on my shoulder, stopping me from moving. He exchanged a glance with George, and they both smiled. They should be worried, not smiling.

Coder Girl 2 /Dreamwastaken/Where stories live. Discover now