That boy.

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*Steven is walking trough the corridors of Hogwarts. Him and Amelia are talking when Black notices a boy looking him up and down with a smirk. He feels something in his stomach. It feels like pure hate but he also feels... bad for the scars he can see.*
-Steven are you there? *Amelia stops and asks.*
-Yeah, sorry... *Steven looks at Lovegood. The bell rings* Come on we will be late! *They both laugh and run to potions.*
-Hello kids. Have a seat please! Amelia you are next to your sister Luna. Mr Black you are next to Mattheo Laurence. *The teacher points at that boy Steven saw as he follows his finger and sits next to him* Now can anyone tell me what this potion is? Steven?
*steven look at the teacher embarrassed*
- I— I don't know sir...
*the teacher looks at him disappointed.*
-anyone else? Luna? *Our teacher looks at Amelia's sister with some hope*
-It's called amortenia sir. The most powerful love potion in the world. *Luna smiles as the teacher replies*
Wonderful! 10 points off Gryffindor and 10 points to ravenclaw! Now Steven please come forward and tell us what you smell *Mr Black goes forward and the smell of Cigarettes, Cologne and a hint of blood go in his nose* I smell... Black berry, Lavender and a hint of vanilla. *Steven lies as he sits down*
-wonderful. Amelia you next?
*amelia smiles and jumps to smell the potion*
-I smell roses, pine and red wine! *she is smiling as she goes back to the seat.*
Mattheo you next! *Mattheo scoffs as he slowly goes to smell the amortenia.*
I smell...

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