It was this day

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That day was the worst day of my life.Everything turned black before my very eyes, it is the day where I knew everyone betrayed me.


The day of my ceremony came. My mother and father was sitting there happily looking at me proud eyes.

Daisuke was running towards me, I opened my arms to welcome him with a hug, He hugged me back.

"What is it, Daisuke?" I smiled happily as I carress my little brother's cheek

"I made this for you, sister. I thought it'll look lovely."

He held out a round crown made out of flowers. Unfortunately, due to its weak hold to each other, it broke. He was tearing up as he got hold of the broken flowers.

"I-I'm sorry, sister. It got broken... A-a-and.." He was sniffing as I pat his head gently and started fixing the flowers.

"You did great, Daisuke. It just needs a little fixing for the one who received it."

I place it over my head and lifted his head upwards

"See? Beautiful isn't it?"

He slowly nodded but the tears hasn't even stopped.

"Miss Deijizeyu, it's time for the ceremony." my grandmother's very special attendant, Krista, called out to me but fearing Daisuke's tears. I put out his tears with my fingers and put the flower crown into his head.

"Aww, look at you. It's very cute if only my little brother would stop crying."

"A lot cuter than sister?" He looked at me still tearing up.

"Yes. A lot mooooree cuter. My dear little brother." I pinched his cheeks as a contraction at what I just said and he laughed softly.

"Miss Deijizeyu." Krista's remembrance made me stand up and fix myself.

"Sister." Daisuke held out the flower crown as he smiled happily and proudly.

"Aww. Our king needs it too." I then placed it over his head and carefully patted him. He chuckled.

I walked out and the very first one I saw was my proud parents sitting happily and Daisuke running happily at them with the flower crown at his hands.

Oh, how could this day be any happier.

My grandmother have me as her heir to protect the three sacred treasures:

Namida no Suta: A huge two shiruken weapon that moves easily and have killed billions of people. Some say it is legendary because it ones killed a god.

Kanashimi no Naruda: A katana, it was passed generations by generations to those who was called "legendary" people. They said it grants the chosen ones wish.

Saigo wa Egao de: It is a small gem that's shaped like a tear. Every person who have owned this, was said to be very happy and lucky. You'll have no single problems throughout your life. You would be rich and happy for the rest of your life.

It was the worst day. (Destiny Ninja Sim Date)Where stories live. Discover now